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정용화를 위한 저스트정용화의 생일 이벤트
justJYH's Birthday Event for Yonghwa


정용화의 28번째 생일을 맞아, 올해에도 여러분들과 함께 기쁜 마음으로 축하하며 보내고자 합니다.
지금부터 이 게시판 http://justjyh.com/xe/Yongday 에서 오늘 하루가 끝날 때까지 그의 생일을 마음껏 축하해주세요.
회원이 아닌 분들도 글을 쓰실 수 있습니다.

간단한 이벤트로, 함께 아래 질문에도 답해주세요^^

We wish to happily celebrate Yonghwa's 28th birthday here at justJYH with everyone.
Starting now until the day is over, please wish him a happy birthday at this forum http://justjyh.com/xe/Yongday.
You do not need to be registered to post your message!

Also, please fill out your answers to the following questionnaire as you write him your birthday wishes!

1. 생일 축하 메시지 Birthday message for Yonghwa♥

2. 정용화의 팬으로서 영원히 잊지못할 순간, YongForever의 순간은 언제였나요?
As Jung Yonghwa's fan, what was the unforgettable 'YongForever' moment that will stay with you forever?

3. 앞으로 보고 싶은 정용화의 새로운 모습은? (음악/연기/예능 등 어느 것이든 좋습니다)
What is the new side of Yonghwa that you wish to see in the future?
(you can be creative, whether it's about music, acting, variety, or anything else)

이벤트에 참여해주신 분들 중 추첨하여 선물을 드립니다. 자세한 내용: http://justjyh.com/xe/notice/297113
Among those who participate, we will draw a lottery and give away prizes. For details: http://justjyh.com/xe/notice/297113

저희와 함께 기쁘게 축하해 주실거죠?^^
Please join us in joyful celebration of his birthday!


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1. Happy birthday to my dearest musician jung yong hwa. Always wish all the best for you in your music, acting, and variety shows, and other projects. May you always be blessed with wellness, happiness, and success. Am super happy to know about you and super proud to be your fan. I also wish that your upcoming movie will be success and i cant wait to watching movie actor jung next year! Always wish all your desires will come true, fighting yonghwa!!!

2. As i knew about yonghwa from running man, the unforgettable moment is when i keep watching his RM episodes and keep searching about him in few days. The more i know about, the more i admire him. If i am not told that you are the vocalist at that time, i may stop till his RM episodes. Am so thankful to know about him. My best moment so far is his solo album and concerts. I am wating his comeback for solo album and its concerts.

3. Yonghwa as composer, arranger, producer for other artists (korean or other countries) will be cool. He does music project for himself with variety of his music interests. If he has time, i hope he still praticipates in acting and variety shows projects. I always support whatever projects that he chooses. Please always be yonghwa that have big dreams and use his big efforts to achieve them.

1. 용화야 생일 마~~~니 마~~~~니 축하해. 언제나  하는 말이지는 네가 무얼하든 항상 응원할게. 많이 보고 싶다.

2. 솔로콘으로 함께 했을때

3. 노래하는 모습 연기하는 모습 모두 보고싶지만 정말 좋은 드라마 만나서 시청율 대박 한번 가보고 싶습니다!! 

스물여덟 번째 생일 진심으로 축하해요.
올해도 변함없이 축하 인사를 할 수 있어서 기쁘네요.
앞으로도 건강하고 즐겁게, 노래하고 춤추고 연기하고 곡 작업하고......
하고 싶은 거 마음껏 할 수 있었으면 좋겠고, 응원할게요.
니가 제일 좋아요.
우리, 행복합시다.

잊지못할 순간들은 그때그때 많이 생기는데,
이젠 자꾸 까먹어서 복습을 자주 해야 한다는 ;ㅁ;
콘서트 끝나고 마지막에 인사하는 순간들, 특히 솔로콘 때 인사하던 모습은 평생 갈 것 같아요.
서로가 고마워지는 순간.
앞으로도 우리, 잊지못할 순간들 많이많이 만들어요.

늘 예상을 뛰어넘는 모습 보여줘서, 오히려 내가 더 넓고 깊어져야 할 듯.
아! 뜬금없지만, 이 말은 하고 싶네요.
연기할 때 나이보다 어린 역할하는 모습, 좀 더 봤으면 좋겠어요.
그리고 TV에서 조금만 더 자주 얼굴 보여 주세요.
Happy Birthday to a very special young man, Jung Yong Hwa. It has become virtually impossible to pinpoint a Yongforever moment, Yong Hwa simply reinforces my admiration for him with each new venture, song, fan/industry account and drama of his. And I firmly believe that the best is yet to come...

I look forward to whatever he has next in store for us rather than a specific new side of his because so far, he has always surprised and exceeded my expectations with each new venture.

I hope he continues to live his life passionately and spread his love and wonder far and wide!

1. Happy birthday Yong Hwa! I can’t tell you how much I love you and how wonderful I feel when I’m watch you (of course from  sns only) ^^. Every second, my love for you grows just like how your love grows for your fan. On this special day, may every day of your life be blessed with rays of hope, joy, love, and sunshine. 

2. As for the unforgettable moment is when I first heard Yonghwa voice from bluetory album. It just a coincidence that i try to help my friend searching for cnblue songs, but I never thought that I will be fallen in love with his voice. Thats how i begin to be one of Jung Yng Hwa fans which is 5 years ago. I hope that I can hear his voice live one day.

3. I really wish to see Yonghwa with his own family someday. I'm really curious how he will acted toward his children and wife. I think he will be the best gentleman husband and choding appa^_^

1. To dearest Yonghwa! 28 years is the start of a new beginning, yet, it is also a continuation of many unfulfilled desires and lifelong aspirations from previous years. Today, as you turn 1 year older, I hope you will be able to continue working towards your dreams, and also gain happiness and enjoyment in whatever you do. I am always thankful for your presence in my life. The energy and healing I gain from your songs have accompanied me through the ups and downs in my life. I always find joy and happiness through your wittiness and cuteness in variety shows. Even with small things such as SNS updates, I am able to gain energy from you in my daily life. As always, thank you for being the Jung Yong Hwa that you are! I'm glad I fell in love with you. Happy birthday, Yonghwa. Stay happy and healthy! I'll be with you!

2. The most unforgettable moment will be the first time I listened to yonghwa's performance of Y, Why in Bluetory Showcase. I've said this in previous birthday messages as well, and throughout the years as his fan, the video have became one of the most unforgettable moments for me. It was the first time that I felt connected to his music, and it was also that feeling that encouraged me to become his fan. It is a feeling that made me want to stick through thick and thin with him till he reaches his goal -- Top of the World.

3. I hope he will be able to explore more areas of acting and music in the future. For dramas, a villian character will be interesting. As for music, I hope he will be able to explore as many musical colors as he wants! Although many wants him to stick to the "cnblue" style of music, yonghwa himself said that they are still a band that is searching for their own color. Whatever it is, I trust him to always give us good music!

* 28번째 생일을 축하합니다 !!

7년이라는 긴 시간동안 하루 하루가 용화로 인해 행복하고 즐겁고 놀랍고.......매번 너무 많은 것을 받았던 것 같아.

아름다운 음악으로 위로받고 드라마에서의 멋진 모습에 울고 웃고.. 무엇보다도 인간 정용화가 너무 멋있는 사람이라서 

나도 더 잘 살아야겠다고 다짐하게 된다는 ㅎㅎㅎ

동시대에 태어나줘서 고마워~~ 함께 수많은 일들과 감정들을 교감하게 해줘서 고마워~~

매일 매일 더 더 행복하고, 용화가 바라는 모든 일들 이루어 지길 바래 

생일 축하해 !!!!!!

** Can't stop을 처음 들었던 그 순간을 잊을 수 없습니다.

뮤지션 정용화의 또 다른 모습에 너무 놀랐답니다.  뮤지션으로서 인정 또 인정하고 있었는데도 말입니다.

시간이 흐를수록 지금도, 여전히, 매번, 더더 놀라게 한다는 점에서 정용화는 ㅠㅠ

그 때 Can't Stop Loving You 할 것이라는 것을 알게되었습니다.

*** 언제나 저의 미천한 상상력 따위 초월해서 보여주는 정용화이기에 그저 놀랄 준비만 하고 기다리고 있습니다.

다만 한국에서 조금 더 활발한 활동을 보여주었으면 합니다.  우리만 알고 있기에는 너무 아까우니까요 !!


1. 용화오빠~ 생일축하해요!! 오빠가 우리곁으로 와줘서 정말 너무너무 고마워요! 항상 자신의 일에 최선을 다하고 팬들에게 기쁨을 주는 오빠의 팬이라서 저도 기뻐요~ 배울점이 많은 오빠 다시한번 생일 축하하고 우리 오래오래봐요~!!!

2. 오빠가 '미남이시네요'로 데뷔할때부터 좋아했는데 그때는 제가 어려서 오빠에대한 정보들을 알아볼수있는 방법을 잘 몰랐어요 그러다가 유투브로 라이브영상을 봤는데 그때 새로운 모습에 다시한번 반하게되었어요 작년 컴투게더 콘서트에서 실제로 보니까 더 재밌었고 공연에 푹 빠진 용화오빠의 모습을 잊을 수 없어요!!

3. 앞으로 보고싶은 용화오빠의 새로운 모습은 너무 많은데 솔로2집활동도 보고싶고 지금 빛나는 외모를 드라마를 통해 많은사람들에게도 보여주고 남겼으면 좋겠고 예능에서도 보고싶어요
특히 른닝맨을 위해 태으난 사나이 답게 런닝맨에도 나와줬으면 좋겠고 복면가왕이라던가 슈가맨에 한번더 나와서 오빠의 음악적 능력을 사람들에게 보여줬으면 좋겠어요
마지막으로 무한도전 가요제에 오빠가 꼭 한번 출연해줬으면 하는게 제 바램입니다!!!

1. 용화야~~~ 생일 정말 정말 축하해~~~~^^ 이렇게 지켜보며 응원할 수 있게 나타나주어 그저 고마울뿐이야~

건강하게.. 행복하게.. 하고 싶은 모든 일들 다 하면서 꿈꾸는 모든 것들 다 이루기를~~~ 그리고 많이 웃기를~~~^^

생일 정말 축하해~~~~

2. 무대 위의 모습들이 기억에 남아요... 눈 감고 부르는 노래들... 연주하고 춤추고 뛰어 다니며 부르는 노래들... 그리고 공연 막바지 즈음....

땀에 흠뻑 젖어 말간 웃음 지으며 반짝이는 눈동자로 바라보는 순간순간... 저렇게나 행복할까~~ 어쩜 저렇게나 반짝일까~~하는 생각이 들어요...

그래서 그 아름다운 미소가, 아름다운 순간이 단어 그대로 영원하기를..... 빛 바래지 않고 영원토록 반짝이기를.....

3. 보고싶은 모습은 진짜 너무너무 많아서...ㅠㅠ 우선 솔로 2집도 기다리고 있고... 드라마도 기다리고 있고.... 폴 솊 영화랑.... 한국 영화도 보고싶고....

괜찮은 예능 있으면 예능에서도 보고싶고..... 요리용, 운동용, 여행용, 집돌이용 등등등 뭐든... 뭘 하든 응원합니다~~~ 그저 보고싶을뿐~~~~ㅠㅠ

보고싶다~~~~ 내스타~~ㅠㅠ

★벌써 7번째 축하를 해줄 수 있음이 믿기지 않으면서도 한편으로 뭔가 벅차오르기도 하고 그렇다...

    그동안 보여준 변함없는 모습에 언제나 행복했고 가슴 한켠이 항상 따뜻했어

    언제 어디서 무엇을 하든 최고의 모습으로 최선을 다해준 그 모습 그대로 더 멋진 정용화를 기대해본다

    앞으로 가야할 많은 시간들은 무엇보다 본인이 가장 하고 싶고 원하는 일을 맘껏 펼치기를 응원할께..

    생일 진짜 진짜 축하해 ♥

★첫 솔로 콘서트를 보면서 역시 정용화라는걸 소름돋게 느낄 수 있었던...!!

    첨 솔로콘을 하는데 3일 연속으로 한다는 소리에 걱정과 염려가 먼저 앞서 안절부절 거렸었지만

    3일동안 콘을 보고나선 내가 얼마나 정용화란 가수를 과소평가했고 그런 걱정이 한낱 기우에 지나지 않았다는걸 느끼면서

   갓용화를 외치고 돌아왔더라능~~

★점점 정용화에대한 목마름은 심해져가고 어디에서든 정용화를 볼 수만 있다면 ...ㅠ 흑ㅠ

    무엇을 하든 상관없으니 우리의 기다림을 너무 오래지만 않게 해달라능..

    시간이 여의치가 않는다면 단발 예능에서라도 정용화를 아직도 제대로 느끼지 못한 사람들에게 제대로 보여줄 수 있는 기회라도 많았음 좋겠음




Happy birthday..hope you have a blessing birthday today. I always wish you happiness for the yesterday that you have walked through, today that full of excitement and tomorrow that full of suprises.
Still clearly remember back in 2010, i met this handsome band singing on tv and i started searching for their names n songs. But after a while searching about them,i started to lean more on YH for his great talents,hardwork and leadership. Watching him live in concert (can't stop 2014 in KL) put me in awe with his charms and charismatic on stage.
I just wish him a lot of happiness in future in what he is doing best. I love to see him in relationship one day but before that maybe a musical to add into his profile.
용화씨 생일 축하 해요!
많이 많이 행복한 생일이 되었으면 좋겠어요.

잊지 못할 순간은 대구에서 했던 홀리카 팬싸때 용화씨
그 때 모습과 목소리는 영원히 못잊을듯요.
대구 엑스코에서 한 스마트 행사랑 콘서트도 기억에 많이 남네요.
지방도 자주 왔으면 하는 바램을 적어봅니다.

무슨 활동이더라도 TV에서 자주 봤으면 좋겠어요.
용화씨가 없으니 너무나 심심하답니다.

1. 28번째 생일 정말 정말 진심으로 축하해요!!  용화를 알게된 이후부터 6월22일은 나에게도 소중한 날이 되었어요. 오늘은 그 누구보다 행복하고 즐거운 생일날을   보냈으면 좋겠어요~  항상 좋은 노래로 나에게 힘을 주고 행복함을 느끼게 해주는 용화에게 늘 고마워요^^ 나도 용화에게 조금이나마 힘이 될 수 있게 내자리에서 열심히 응원할게요!!!  진짜 진짜 생일 축하해요. ♡ ♥

2. 용화를 알게된 후 모든 순간이 기억나지만 가까이 처음 만난던 2010년 싸인회! 싸인을 받고 악수를 하는데 용화손에 굳은살이 아직도 생생히 기억에 남고 모든 콘서트도 기억에 남지만 솔로 첫 콘서트!!!  팬들을 보면서 계속 웃으며 행복해하며 노래하던 용화를 잊을수가 없어요.

3. 솔로 2집도 보고싶고 드라마에서 연기하는 모습도 보고싶고 예능에 나와서 빵빵터트리는 모습도 보고싶어요~  하지만 그냥 용화가 하는 모든일을 기대하면서 열심히 응원할께요~^^

Dear Yong Hwa,

When your Birthday is here, may you find it brings all kinds of blessings and happy delightful things!

When your Birthday is past, may you continue to receive all kinds of blessings and happy delightful things, enjoying Happiness of the lasting kind.

As your fan, my first unforgettable 'YongForever' moment was the first time I hear you sing in YAB ... the trigger that led  me to singer-songwriter-actor YongHwa. 
Honestly, I have continuously been amazed and impressed by work attitude and ethics, personality, people-skills and talents in so many artistic areas. To date, you are still the singer & actor that I am keen to watch 

I think you present new side of Yonghwa on a regular basis. I  do wish you will come out more with individual activities  like solo album & concerts, participate in musicals, act in movies/drama roles, publish/showcase your art work, and accomplish all that you hope to achieve. In future, I hope you can have your own entertainment company.

Keep well and have lots of fun doing work that you love. Hope you have a nice birthday celebration in Prague today.

Love from a JYH fan

1. Yonghwa,
As with every year, I'm happy to celebrate your 28th birthday from the end of world ^^~ I hope everything goes great for you and that all your dreams can come true soon or sooner ^^ Always stay healthy!!! Un beso <3 #IWillAlwaysSupportYou

2. The times I met him in Chile. He was so kind to me, and the way he smiled genuinely at me are the most unforgettable moments that I treasure with all my heart. I'm really looking forward to meet him once again, the level of happiness I felt those times were unbelievable.

3. I want to see a new creative side in composing.
I look forward to new rock compositions and I would love to hear music for movies composed by him, like a whole movie soundtrack; that would be amazing! Also, I hope he can join a musical in the future, I would love to see him on stage acting and singing! <3

1. Dear Yonghwa, I hope you'll have a wonderful and memorable birthday anniversary! I wish you to be forever healthy, happy, full of energy, musically inspired, gifted in acting and in whatever activities you'll have in the next year! I hope your next movie will be a great success, you'll have another successful solo album as well as success with all CNBLUE's activities! I'm happy you are now in Europe and I hope you'll enjoy this period enough to come for a concert as well! All the best for you in the next year!

2. I "discovered" you through Hearstrings, then I started to search about you, to listen to your music and to watch your live performances. For me, watching/listening to Y, Why from Bluestorm concert was the "click" when I start to become your fan. I like your personality, your sense for music, your voice, your playful and humorous side, your appearance, which I think means everything from a fan's perspective!

3.  I would like to see him collaborating with other (inter)national artists, like i.e. his idols - Bon Jovi,  Oasis, Jason Mraz etc.! I would like also to see him conquering & exploring new countries, in terms of music and concerts, perhaps new tours in Europe and worldwide! 

I would like also to see him happy and in love - he truly deserve that and I hope his fans are mature enough to understand he is at an age to experience love and relationship freely and without to be afraid of losing fans or anything else his fans can think!

I think he is smart enough in choosing his career path and as I know him till now, I will support him in whatever he will do: music, acting, MCing, acting in variety shows, travelling around the world etc. 

1. Happy birthday oppa, please stay healthy and don't be too skinny please. Don't mind what is hatter said about you because they are super jealous about you. I hope you can spend more time with your parents, friend, and whoever you love, put your happiness before us please. Be happy, healthy, always be yourself and get all of your dreams. Ameen

2.first make me move on from harry potter and then make my bf that dislike kpop so much said that he want to attend cnblue or yonghwa concert with me and even he was sing along when i played one fine day.

3.yonghwa has great variety skill, so its nice to see him more often at variety shows but it will be the best if he explore his music ability more, really like y,why love is, cold love,and song ar his solo. Mian for grammar mistake

May your special day bring you lots of happiness, love and fun.

You deserve them a lot. Enjoy fullest in your castle!

The sweetest unforgettable memory is the celebration of Yonghwa's 27th Birthday in Taipei. I should say it's once in my lifetime with fans, JJ Lin and my STAR. Hopefully Yonghwa will run concerts on his birthdays again and we then could turn them into celebration parties!!

Any new side of Yonghwa I wish to see - indeed, he never fails to amaze me.  He is a person who always stay hunger stay childish =) Everyday is new to him. He will just present something which makes me love him even more!!

JYH BD 27th (20.06.15 Taiwan).jpg

1. 생일 축하 메시지 
28 번째 정용화의 생일을 축하합니다 ~~ ♥♥

용화 씨를 알아 본 나 자신에게도 감사 ㅋㅋ

처음으로 생일 축하를하는 해이지만, 지금까지의 지나온 생일을 함께 축하해 주진 못했지만, 앞으로 더 많은 생일을 함께 축하 해줄 테니 기쁨이 더 많이 남은 거 ^^
항상 팬들을 먼저 생각 해주고 배려 해주는 용화 씨의 마음 많이 많이 고마워요 ^^
앞으로도 내가 더 많이 많이 아껴 줄게 ~~ 요

2. 정용화의 팬으로서 영원히 잊지 못할 순간, YongForever의 순간은 언제 였나요?  
처음으로 간  2015 년 정용화 솔로 앵콜 콘서트 한 번 더 멋진 날 그때의 그 감동들을 잊을수가 없어요

3. 앞으로보고 싶은 정용화의 새로운 모습은? (음악 / 연기 / 예능 등 어느 것이 든 좋습니다) 

지금 현재는 용화 씨가 열심히 찍고있는 영화 속의 폴쉪의 모습이 빨리보고 싶네요 ^^

국내 TV에서도 많이 많이보고 싶은 그저 수니 마음