[FAQ] 분실한 아이디/비번 찾는 방법! How to Retrieve your Lost ID/PW!

by justjyh posted Nov 19, 2014


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

운영진 이메일로 꽤 자주 오는 질문이라서 따로 공지글을 올려봅니다. 도움 되시길 바래요!

(*모바일의 경우 PC버전으로 읽으시면 편합니다)

This is a question that we receive very often through our email, so we'd like to share this as our first FAQ. We hope this helps!! (It reads better in the PC setting.)

If you've been receiving the PW emails in Korean, you can also change the language mode to 'English' at the bottom right corner of our site to receive it in English.
