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2013.07.31 04:54

【E】Excite Music-Interview with CNBLUE

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

E. "Lady"는 70년대의 댄스음악을 떠올리게 하는 곡조인데요, 작사, 작곡을 하신 용화씨는 어떤 이미지를 갖고 만들기 시작하셨나요?
용화 "Lady"를 만든 건 올해 3월인가 4월 쯤이었던 것 같은데요, 옛날 느낌이 나면서 저희의 이미지에 맞춘 그런 곡을 만들고 싶었어요. 요즘은 어딘가 옛날로 회귀하는 듯한 음악이 많은가? 싶어서, 저희도 그런 걸 해 보자 라고 생각했거든요.

민혁 처음은 리듬 타입이 두개 있었어요. 지금의 리듬은 원키의 디스코 타입인데, 어느 쪽의 리듬이 좋을까? 하며 정말 많이 고민했습니다.

용화 그 다른 버전 쪽이 조금 더 사운드가 락적이었어요.

민혁 그 버전도 괜찮았지만 연주가 굉장히 어려웠어요. 지금 버전이 심플하다고 생각합니다.

정신 그래도 이제까지의 곡 중에서는 어려운 편에 속하는 곡이 아닐까 합니다. 베이스를 레코딩할 때 굉장히 많은 소통을 할수 있도록 심혈을 기울였는데도 생각했던 것보다 시간이 걸려버렸어요. 저에게 있어서도 이 곡은 도전이었다고 생각합니다. 레코딩이 끝났을 때, "잘 끝냈다!"는 만족감이 있었어요.

용화 아침 5시까지 레코딩했었어요!

민혁 맞아, 리듬이 굉장히 어려웠거든요.

종현 저는 처음 들었을때부터 "좋은 곡이구나"라고 생각했어요. 지금까지와는 다른 느낌의 멋스러운 곡으로, 트렌디한 느낌이 있고 기타 리듬도 재밌는 느낌. 가사도 평소와는 조금 다른 느낌이고, 노래와 딱이라고 생각했습니다.

E. 가사를 적을 때 용화씨는 어떤 것들을 의식했나요?
용화 음악이 약간 섹시한 이미지였기 때문에 가사의 이미지도 거기에 맞추겠다는 생각으로 썼습니다.

종현 가사가 그러니까, 노래도 그런 느낌으로 불러졌군요.

용화 지금까지 저희가 일본에서 발표해온건 테마가 "꿈"이라든가 그런 것들이 많았어요. 그렇지만 이번에는 조금 바꿔 보았습니다.

E. 지금까지와 다른 도전을 해 보고 싶었다, 라고 말할수 있을까요?
용화 도전이라기보다는, 최근 제가 하고 싶다고 생각한 음악을 해 보았더니 이렇게 되었다, 라는 식이었어요.

E. 그렇군요. 멀리서부터 동경하던 단계에서는 "lady"로, 거리가 가까워진 후에는 "baby"로 바뀌는-사랑의 시작을, 단 두 단어로 대비해 그리는 것이 굉장히 신선하고 인상적이었습니다.
용화 말씀하신 것처럼 "lady"나 "baby"가 후렴에 들어가있는데요, 가사를 쓸 때 예를 들면 다른 부분을 확실히 귀 귀울여 듣지 못했다고 해도, 이 "lady"와 "baby"만으로도 듣고 충분히 재밌지 않을까? 라고 생각했어요. 그게 이 곡의 주제에도 맞다고 생각했구요.

E. 길게 설명하지 않아도 직관적인 매력을 느낄 수 있는 단어를 고르는 건 가사를 쓸 때 중요하게 생각하는 점인가요?
용화 네, 그렇습니다.
민혁 저는 처음 이 곡을 들었을 때 "어떤 내용의 가사를 쓸까?"가 흥미진진했었는데요. 지금까지의 곡과는 다른 내용의 재미있는 가사가 만들어져서, 곡에도 정말 딱 맞는구나라고 생각했어요. 언제나 용화씨가 쓰는 곡은 "이번 곡 가사의 재미있는 포인트는 무엇일까? 주제는 뭘까?"라고 기대하게 되네요.

E. 그럼 밴드로서 이 곡을 연주하는 즐거움, 매력은 어디에 있다고 느끼시나요?
종현 이 곡은 멜로디도 좋지만 기타 컷팅리듬이 포인트라고 생각해요. 재밌고, 연주가 즐겁습니다.

E. 2번째 곡인 'Don't Care'도 기타가 기분 좋은 리듬을 내고 있는데요. 이 곡은 어떻게 만들어졌나요?
용화 이건 굉장히 따뜻한 느낌을 주는 곡이라고 생각해요. 어쿠스틱 기타를 치고 있다가 떠오른 곡인데, 간단하게 곧바로 만들어졌어요. 창작의 아픔이 그다지 없던 곡으로, 결과적으로 테모와 거의 똑같이 완성되었습니다.

정신 굉장히 심플하지만 처음에 갖고 있던 느낌을 그다지 바꾸지 않는 편이 좋을 거라고 저도 생각하고 있었거든요. 그래서 레코딩을 끝낸 뒤에 들어보고 처음 그 느낌이 거의 그대로 남아있어서 다행이라고 생각했습니다.

E. "스스로를 믿자"고 자기 자신에게 들려주는 듯한 가사로 "I have my fans to support me (나에게는 나를 지지해주는 팬이 있어)"라는 프레이즈 등은 용화씨의 생각이 그대로 솔직하게 표현된 것 같은 느낌인데요. 그렇게 받아들여도 될까요?
용화 네, 그렇습니다. 이 가사는 곡처럼 바로 써졌어요.

E. "Lady"의 키워드는 "lady"와 "baby"였습니다만, 이 곡에서는 "I"와 "you"라는 두 단어가 무엇을 가리키는지가 궁금해지네요. 단순히 "나"와 "너"라는 둘의 관계를 표현하는 것은 아니라는 느낌이 듭니다만?
용화 그렇습니다... 역시, 사람은 혼자서 살아가는 것이 아니므로, 주변에 감사하며 살아가자 라는 의미가 들어있다고 생각합니다.

종현 이 곡의 어쿠스틱 기타는 용화가 연주했는데, 그 외에도 원래 일렉으로도 레코딩을 했었어요. 디스토션을 걸어 음을 일그러지게 연주해보았는데 그다지 맞지 않아서. 결국 최종적으로 "없는 게 낫다"고 생각해서 넣지 않았습니다.

E. 그건 조금 아쉽게 되었군요.
종현 유감이예요~ (웃음). 뭐, 처음부터 그다지 맞지 않는다고 생각해서 "안 하는게 낫지 않을까?"라고 스탭분들이나 모두와 상의했었는데요. "그래도 어떻게 될지 모르니까, 일단 해 보자"고 해서, 레코딩을 했는데...시간이 아깝게 됐네요 (웃음).

E. 그래도 어떻게 하면 곡이 더 좋아질까? 라는 생각을 언제나 하고 여러가지 시도해보는 거죠.

종현 그렇죠. 역시 이 곡은 어쿠스틱한 이미지가 맞는 느낌이라 끝에는 그렇게 되었지만요.

민혁 이 곡에서 중요한 부분을 맡고 있는건, 저는 브라스라고 생각해요. 그 부분의 멜로디를 듣는 것 만으로 기억에 남는다고 생각합니다. 곡도 굉장히 좋아서, 레코딩도 빨리 잘 끝낸 것 같아요. 사운드도 굉장히 좋았구요.

용화 특히 드럼 소리가 좋은 사운드로 남았어요!

E. 3번째 곡 "Monday"는 레게 요소를 집어넣은 쾌활한 곡조인데요. 월요일 아침의 우울함을 노래하고 있는데, 진심으로 꺼려하고 있지는 않은 듯한 유머러스한 느낌이 좋았어요.
용화 가사의 배경이라면...지금 저희는 다르지만, 예를 들어 직장인 분들은 역시 월요일은 일주일의 시작이라 일요일 밤에 조금 우울해지시는 것 같아요. 한국에는 "개그콘서트"라는 일요일 밤에 방송되는 프로그램이 있는데, 그 엔딩곡을 들으면 저희가 학생 때도 "아, 내일부터 학교다"라고 느꼈었거든요.
정신 아, 학생 때 그랬었지~.
용화 그래서, 그 때의 기분을 떠올려 이 가사를 썼습니다.

E. 울적한 기분을 밝은 방향으로 갖고 가는, 격려하는 듯한 곡이 된 것 같은데요. 그런 효과를 노리셨나요?
용화 그런 부분이 있다고 생각해요. "타임 머신"이라는 단어도 넣었는데, "시간을 자유자재로 오갈 수 있다면"이라는 마음이 들어있습니다.

E.이번 여름 서머소닉 2013이나 락인재팬 페스티벌 2013에 참가하시는데요, 각오를 들려주실수 있는지요?

민혁 역시, 저에게 있어서는 부담이 커요. 수많은 밴드가 출연하고, 수많은 컬러의 드러머가 있을테니까요. 그 안에서 나는 어떻게 하면 좋지? 라는 부담이 있지만, "우리의 음악을 보여준다!"라는 편한 기분으로 해 나가려 합니다.

용화 저는 기대하고 있습니다. 분명히 재미있는 경험이 될 거라고 생각해요. 왜냐하면, 지금까지 많은 라이브를 했기 때문에 분명히 잘 해낼 수 있다고 생각하거든요.

종현 출연할 수 있다는 것이 기쁘네요. 저는 언제나처럼 즐겁게, 열심히 즐기고 오겠습니다! 그 뿐이예요.

정신 저도 놀러 가는 것 같은 기분이예요. 서머소닉 2013은 보는것도 나가는 것도 처음이라 굉장히 기대가 되고 기쁘게 생각하고 있어요. 그리고 락인재팬 페스티벌 2013은 야외에서 하는 라이브죠? 저희는 니이가타에서도 야외에서 공연한적이 있는데, 역시 야외에는 야외의 매력이 있어서 기대중이예요. 4명이서 스테이지 위에 서는 것이 기쁘고, 많은 분들이 저희의 음악을 듣고 콘서트에도 오셨으면 합니다.

"Lady" has a melody reminiscent of 70's dance tunes. As a composer and writer, what kind of images did you have in mind when you wrote it?
YH When I wrote "Lady", it was about March or April of this year. I wanted to make a song that has old vibe but suits our image. I'd thought there are many retro songs these days, so I wanted us to try that too.
MH There were two types of rhythms initially. This one is one-key disco type, but we really put a lot of thought into choosing between the two.
YH The other version had more hard rock sound.
MH That was alright too but playing it was very difficult. I think the current version is simple.
JS But I think this song's on the difficult side considering our songs thus far. I tried hard to have as much communication as possible when recording the bass, but it took longer time than expected. This song was a challenge for me as well. When I finished recording, I had the satisfaction of completing it well.
YH We recorded until 5 am!
MH Right, the rhythm was really hard.
JH From the first time I heard it, I thought "This is a great song." It has a different, stylish and trendy vibe compared to our previous works. The guitar rhythm's fun too. The lyrics are different from the usual and fits the song perfectly.

E. What did you think of when you wrote the lyrics, YH?

YH Since the song was a little sexy, I wrote the lyrics to fit that image.
JH As the lyrics go, the song was sung in that way.
YH Most of our releases in Japan had themes like "dream", but we tried something different this time.

E. Would you say it was an attempt/challenge to try something new this time?
YH Rather than a challenge, it was more like trying the kind of music I wanted to do recently and it turned out this way.

E. I see. It was quite refreshing and impressive that the beginning of love was contrasted using just two words: when admiring afar, it was "lady", then changed to "baby" once the distance closed.
YH As you said, "lady" and "baby" are in the hook. When writing the lyrics, I thought "Even if other parts weren't closely heard, wouldn't hearing 'lady' and 'baby' itself be interesting enough?" I also thought it suits the theme of the song.

E. Do you think it's important to pick the words that can deliver intuitive appeal without explicit explanations?

YH Yes, that's correct.
MH When I first heard this song, I highly anticipated "What would the lyrics be written about?" The lyrics turned out very interesting, different from our previous songs, and I thought it totally fits the song as well. Songs that YH writes always makes me anticipate, "What's the interesting part in this song's lyrics? What's the theme?"

E. Then what kind of joy do you feel from playing this song, as a band?

JH This song has a great melody, but the guitar's cutting rhythm is the emphasis. It's interesting and fun to play.

E. In the 2nd track "Don't Care", the guitar plays a feel-good rhythm too. How was this song written?
YH I think this song gives off a very warm feeling. It came to me when I was playing the acoustic guitar, and I wrote it right away. It didn't take much pain to create, and in the end it was finished almost exactly like the demo.
JS It's a very simple song, but I also thought it was better not to change the feeling it had in the beginning. So when I heard it after the recording was finished, I was glad that the initial feelings remained as it was.

E. The lyrics such as "I believe in myself" seem to speak to yourself. Especially, phrases like "I have my fans to support me" sound like YH's thoughts were expressed honestly. Is it alright to interpret it that way?
YH Yes, right. The lyrics, just like the song, were written right away.

E. The keywords in "Lady" were "lady" and "baby", but I wonder what the two words "I" and "you" signify. They don't seem to just point to the relationship between the two people?

YH Yes, correct.... In the end, people don't live on their own, so the lyrics convey gratitude toward those around me.
JH The acoustic guitar in this song was played by Yonghwa, and it was also recorded in electric guitar. I tried distorting the sound but it didn't fit well. We ended up not including it because it was better without it.

E. That's a little disappointing.
JH It's regrettable~ (laughs). Well, it didn't sound good together from the beginning so we discussed it with staff and everyone, "Isn't it better not to do it?" but I recorded it thinking "Still we don't know how it'll turn out, so let's give it a try." It turned out to be a waste of time (laughs).

E. But you're always thinking of how to improve the song and trying different things.
JH Right. Though this song indeed goes well with the acoustic image so it was completed that way in the end.
MH I think the brass is important point in this song. Just by listening to the melody of that segment, it's memorable. The song was really great, so the recording was finished fast. It sounded quite nice, too.
YH The drums especially came out nice!

E. The 3rd track "Monday" has a lively melody with elements of reggae. It sings of the gloom on Monday mornings, but I liked the humorous feeling of how you don't seem to wholeheartedly dislike it.
YH The background to the lyrics...although it's different for us now, for those who have office work Monday is the beginning of the week. So they seem to be a little gloomy on Sunday evenings. In Korea, there's a show called "Gag Concert" that airs on Sunday nights. When we were in school, listening to their ending theme I felt "Ah, it's school starting tomorrow."
JS That's how it was when we were in school~
YH So I remembered what I felt back then and wrote the lyrics for this song.

E. The song seems to have taken the blue feeling to a lighthearted direction, in an encouraging way. Did you target that effect?
YH It's definitely part of it. I inserted the word "time machine", to express the desire to travel freely between times.

E. You're set to participate in Summer Sonic 2013 and Rock in Japan Festival 2013. Are you excited about it?

MH To me, it's quite a pressure. So many bands, and so many drummers of distinct style will be there. I'm pressured thinking, "What do I do among them?" But I'll try to go on with a relaxed attitude of "We'll show our music!"

YH I'm looking forward to it. It'll definitely be a fun experience. Because we've done many live shows so far, I think we'll certainly do a good job.
JH I'm happy to appear. As always, I'll have fun and enjoy it! That's all.

JS I also feel like we're going to have fun. Summer Sonic 2013 is first time for me, both watching and appearing, so I'm very much happy and looking forward to it. Rock in Japan Festival 2013 is an outdoor show, right? We've performed outdoors in Niigata as well, and outdoor shows have their own charms so I'm anticipating it. I'm happy that the 4 of us are appearing onstage, and I hope many would hear our music then come to our concert too.

cr. http://ent2.excite.co.jp/music/special/2013/cnblue3/interview01.html

  • desyindrayani 2013.07.31 05:10
    Thank you so much for the translations. Always love reading the interview about yonghwa's songs.
    Have 'awww' feeling as yh said don't care is to express his gratitude to those who are around him and they are friends and fans ♥♥♥
  • zisel 2013.07.31 06:17

    Thanks for the translations. I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Yong's compositions and it's so interesting to hear him talk about the songs. He sings them so beautifully too.

    PS: It's interesting that Yong created two types of rhythms for Lady but they settle for the easier one because it's too difficult for other members to play the tune.

  • mystarYH 2013.07.31 07:35
    번역 감사합니다. 궁금했던 것을 쏙쏙 찝어주는 인터뷰군요. 레이디.돈케어.먼데이 정말 하나하나 소중한 곡입니다. 레이디 락버젼은 궁금하군요ㅎㅎ 들을 기회가 있길..돈케어는 유난히 더 다가오는 느낌입니다.솔직한 가사가
  • tattooyh 2013.07.31 08:41
    Thanks for the translation~
    Yongyongie is always the best~~
  • rockerchic 2013.07.31 08:58
    Their Japanese interviews are always interesting. Looks like Lady was a challenge for all of them but they seem all pleased with the song. I love it!
  • klaritia 2013.07.31 09:28
    I just love that an online interview sounds even more interesting than the couple of paper ones released these few days.
    Thank you! So many things popping up my mind reading your translations. Sorry if the following is too long.

    Yonghwa even made two versions of Lady?! Now I want to hear the hard rock version so bad.
    The word "lady" sounds super sexy in the song. And Yonghwa actually knew using it sounds sexy. *sigh*

    When I saw the photo of the lyrics page, reading "I wanna make a time machine", I posted to the respective post here and shouted how much I love that line. Then Yonghwa has to mention "time machine". My heart!

    And last but not least, Yonghwa revealed "Don't care" "represents" his true feelings . . . :::::::::::

    Excuse me. >,<"
  • Pearl 2013.07.31 09:58
    Thank you so much for the translation. I love the interview and the insights into each song in the Lady album. It's always interesting to know what was in his mind when he was composing each song, and also how other members in the band feel about each song and the arrangements etc.

    Interesting to know that there are 2 versions of Lady, would love to hear the rock version as well, especially since the members said that it is technically very difficult to perform. Yong Hwa is such a talented young composer!
  • musica 2013.07.31 12:02
    Thank you so much for translating this. I eagerly anticipate this type of in-depth interviews with each of their Japanese album. It is fascinating to be able to peek into YH's world through his song writing process. I love how he answers each questions in such a straightforward manner. He doesn't attempt to dress up answers. Guessing from his answers, is he in a full DSM mode lately, with a special emphasis on "S" ^^?? Intriguing...
  • Jennylyn 2013.08.01 02:16

    Thank you so much for the trans! I love reading Ot4 thoughts when it comes to their songs. Every Yonghwa's songs had a story in it. I'm glad to hear how Lady, Don't Care, and Monday were born. Lady album has really great appeal! No doubt! Awesome! :D

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