by heich_ posted Apr 28, 2013


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저희 새 싱글 Blind Love가 발매됐습니다!

Blind Love는 벚꽃이 지는 봄에 딱 맞는 러브송입니다. 슬픈 러브송이네요.
PV 찍을 당시 저는 혼자 밖에서 촬영을 했는데요, 바람이 정말 세게 불어서 큰일이었습니다.
그래도 PV가 잘 나와서 정말 기쁘네요.

Our New single "Blind Love" has been released!

Blind Love is a love song that really suits spring, when the cherry blossoms wither. It's a sad love song.

During the making of the PV, there were some scenes that I filmed outside.

It was difficult because the the wind was so strong.

But I'm really happy that the PV came out nice.
