by lovingrj posted Dec 30, 2013


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I went to Fukuoka concert as well and have high quality recordings to share again! ^^


For those who have a Weibo ID, please download it at http://vdisk.weibo.com/lc/iCcmFuPMv9A7ylwMl (Password: KE68)


I'm trying to ask for help to re-upload it elsewhere for overseas fans who can't access Weibo. Please wait for a moment. ><


Once again, I'm all impressed by Yonghwa's performance.


He is just tooooooooooooooo good at live and he even gets better and better every single time.


Comparing with 2012 Arena Tour in Saitama, which I attended as well, his progress is so remarkable and too significant to ignore.


He makes me missing him like crazy every time after watching him in live, and I can't help creating opportunities to go watch him again and again and again. ><


Never thought I would fall for him so deeply when I first "discovered" him. Life is so unpredictable XD


Hope you enjoy the recordings like I do. ^^
