by anonymous posted Mar 09, 2015


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄


-FTISLAND의 라이브를 본 소감을 알려주세요.

What’s your impression of FTIsland’s performance?

:It’s only once or twice a year that we perform with FTISLAND.

As years pass by, their music seem to get heavier. We’ve seen their concerts since we were trainees. Over time, it seems like their music really adds on the weight, and a band that grows old. It’s really nice. 

Things to anticipate on collaboration stages and any hardship on preparing for it?

-We’ve always wanted to mix things up and collaborate, and now that we were able to do it this time, it was fun. The combination was beyond my imaginations, so that was something new.

홍기 코멘트:

-이번 콜라보 방식보다, 각 밴드 색깔을 유지하면서 멤버를 바꿔서 해보면 어땠을까? 예를 들면 악기 멤버는 유지하면서 자기가 씨엔블루 곡을 부른다면? (용화: 담에 하자~)

-콜라보하고 싶은 멤버: 용화. 자신과 용화의 목소리 색깔과 특기를 조화시킬 수 있는 곡을 써서 부르면 어떨까? 생각해봤다고 하네요~

Hongki’s comment:

-rather than what they did this time, he wished it would have been nice if they kept the number of members in each band and switched a few members around. For example, CNBLUE’s instrumental members stay and if he sang CN’s song, how would have been it like? (YH: let's try next time~)

-He picks Yonghwa as the one he wants to collaborate with among the 9 of them. He wants to use their differences in voice color and strengths, compose a song that can utilize those differences well. 
