by klaritia posted Jul 26, 2014


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20140725 CNBLUE《Can't Stop 台北演唱會》慶功記者會 天團CNBLUE 超帥氣出場

20140725 CNBLUE《Can't Stop 台北演唱會》慶功記者會 化身愛心大使 捐贈公益門票

20140725 CNBLUE《Can't Stop 台北演唱會》慶功記者會 香檳慶祝儀式 台北完美開唱

20140725 CNBLUE《Can't Stop 台北演唱會》慶功記者會 團員分享休假放鬆 私密行程透露

1:00 Yonghwa replied he wants to visit CNBLUE School in Africa.

20140725 CNBLUE《Can't Stop 台北演唱會》慶功記者會 鄭容和 近況拍戲工作分享 (YH talks about filming drama)

20140725 CNBLUE《Can't Stop 台北演唱會》慶功記者會 團員互虧 露好身材衝票房

YH talks about losing weight even eating a lot.
A reporter asks if they'll show off their great bodies at the concerts (take off clothes).
YH says they can have 4 concerts in TW if they really do that.

20140725 CNBLUE《Can't Stop 台北演唱會》慶功記者會 給台灣粉絲的話

Q: Words to Taiwan fans?
YH thanks the TW fans for their warm welcome and support every time they came for concerts.
He also read news that their albums sell very well in Taiwan each time they have a new release.
He therefore thanks them and asks for continuous support.