[Beat] 2014.11.21 오프닝 멘트 Intro
(*녹음본은 healing_jyh님께서 제공 및 재업허가해주셨습니다^^ 감사드립니다! The recording was generously provided and permitted by healing_jyh)
안녕하세요, 비트 청취자 여러분, 정용화입니다. 그동안 제가 추천한 음악들 잘 들으셨나요? 이번에도 다양한 추천곡을 제가 선곡해왔습니다.
저희는 밴드이다 보니까 아무래도 저나 멤버들이 밴드 음악을 많이 듣게 되는데요. 오늘은, 오늘의 주제는 '완전 용화취향' 입니다.
제가 사랑하는 '용화취향 음악들' 들어보시면서 아~ 씨엔블루는 이런 음악을 듣고 밴드를 하는구나.
아~정용화는 이렇게 음악들을 만들기 시작했구나... 쿨럭;... 라고 생각해주셨으면 좋겠습니다.
Hello, Beat listeners. This is Jung Yonghwa. Have you been enjoying the music I've recommended? I made my various selections again this week.
Since we're a band, my band-mates and I tend to listen to a lot of band music. Today's topic is, "Music that are totally Yonghwa's taste."
As you listen to the music I love, "Yonghwa's selections," it'd be nice to imagine,
"Ah~CNBLUE is a band that listens to this kind of music, ah~ this is how Jung Yonghwa began making music." (chuckles at himself)
목소리 진짜 좋아요~~
His program is very unique as it is very personal and insightful. It's one of the best channel to let fans into the private world of Jung Yong Hwa. Thanks for uploading and translating it.
I really love this program...we can know him more through it