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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

cr. healing_jyh

라디오 사연- "기타를 독학하는데, 다들 그 뭐지? 위에 걸고하는 거 있잖아요. 코드 쉽게 바꿀 수 있게 해 주는. 그게 필요하더라구요. 그래서 애먹고 있었는데, 반말송은 완전 쉬워서 그거 독학하고 있어요. 다음에는 어떤 곡을 연습할까요? 추천해주세요."

타블로 DJ: 반말송? 아~ 반말송. 처음 사랑하는 연인들을 위해~. 정용화 씨 노래! 오~. 이 노래 함께 듣겠습니다.


(A letter from a listener) "I'm learning how to play the guitar by myself. You know that thing you have to clinch to the top part to change the chords easily? It seems like all these songs required me to use that. So I was having some trouble, but Banmal Song was really easy, so I'm learning how to play that by myself. Which song should I practice next? Please recommend a song."

Tablo: Banmal Song? Oh~ Banmal Song, you mean "For the First-time Lovers", Jung Yonghwa-ssi's song! I see~ let's listen so this song together.


  • ta_yooong 2014.11.17 17:11
    "Simplicity is the key to brilliance"- Bruce Lee . This song is brilliant in its simplicity! and such is Yongwha in his earlier stage in his singing/composing career!
  • 에코 2014.11.17 19:14
    타블로씨의 반응이 재밌는ㅋ

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