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"보여 줄 수 있는 자신감이 있다"

지난달 새 앨범을 들고 컴백한 씨엔블루를 만났다. 타이틀곡 '이렇게 예뻤나'를 비롯해 이런저런 이야기를 나눈 뒤 예능 프로그램으로 주제가 넘어갔다. 정용화가 MBC '무한도전-웨딩싱어즈'와 JTBC '슈가맨' 출연 소식을 알렸기 때문.

공교롭게 두 프로그램 다 정용화를 편곡자로 섭외했다. 정용화는 '슈가맨'에서 더 네임의 '더 네임'을 재해석해 박보람과 호흡을 맞췄다. '무한도전'에서는 광희의 부탁으로 이준, 윤두준과 함께 웨딩보이즈를 결성, 축가를 완성했다.

인터뷰 당시 정용화는 두 프로그램에 대한 넘치는 애정과 함께 자신이 만든 노래에 '폭풍 자신감'을 품고 있었다. "음악적으로 나를 찾아 주는 곳이 많아지고 있다. 준비가 안 됐으면 부담됐을 텐데 쌓아온 자신감이 있어서 보여드릴 게 많다"고 힘줘 말했다.

그의 자신감은 제대로 통했다. '슈가맨'에서는 감성 충만한 발라드 원곡의 느낌을 살리면서 레게와 재즈를 새롭게 더해 반전의 음악을 탄생시켰다. 센스 만점 편곡 실력에 직접 코러스로 힘을 보태 10대, 3~40대를 사로잡아 결국 최종 우승을 거머쥐었다.

'무한도전' 반응도 좋다. 14일 방송에서 '웨딩싱어즈' 5팀의 중간 무대 점검이 전파를 탔는데 정용화, 이준, 윤두준, 광희의 웨딩보이즈 팀이 압도적인 호응을 이끌어냈다. '메리 유'와 '청혼'을 아름답게 엮은 곡으로 무대를 꾸몄는데 세 팀 가운데 중간 1위를 따낼 정도로 반응은 뜨거웠다.

싱어송라이터 정용화의 진가가 다시 한번 발휘된 순간이다. 그동안 씨엔블루의 음악을 직접 만들었던 그이기에 가능했던 일이다. /comet568@osen.co.kr


“I have the confidence to show (what I’ve got)”

I met CNBLUE last month who came back with a new album. After discussing a few things, including the title track “You’re So Fine,” we went on to talking about variety shows. Jung Yonghwa revealed he will be appearing in MBC Infinite Challenge’s Wedding Singers and JTBC Sugar Man. 

Coincidentally, both shows invited Jung as the arranger. Jung reinterpreted The Name’s “The Name” on Sugar Man, and formed Wedding Boys with Lee Joon and Yoon Doojoon at Kwanghee’s request and completed a wedding song.

At the time of the interview, Jung was filled with love for the two shows and were very confident of the songs he made. “Many places are looking to me for musical (activities). If I wasn’t ready, it would have been a burden, but I have the confidence I’ve bulit up so far, I’ve got a lot to show you.”

His confidence was right on. On ‘Sugar Man’, he maintained the emotions of the original ballad but incorporated reggae and jazz to create music with a twist. To his artistic arrangement, he added his own chorus and won the hearts of the teens and those in 30-40s to clench the final win.

Infinite Challenge is also receiving rave reviews. The midway checkup for the five ‘Wedding Singers’ teams were on the broadcast of May 14th. Jung Yonghwa, LJ, YDJ, and KH’s Wedding Boys team garnered absolute response from the audience. They prepared the stage with a beautifully incorporated version of “Marry You” and “The Proposal”. The reaction was so hot that they won no.1 out of the first three teams.

It’s a moment that once again showcased the true caliber of singer-songwriter Jung Yonghwa. It was possible because he has created CNBLUE’s own music all this time.

  • neo 2016.05.15 16:06
    Yup he really a genius.
  • sue 2016.05.15 16:23
    I'm so happy for YongHwa. Yessss... show them all Yong!!!!
  • ta_yooong 2016.05.15 16:26
    No wonder EA's just want him to go solo .He's a lot more appreciated that way! But in the end it will always be his choice! I am glad he is being recognized. "I've got so much to show", I know he's gonna keep on surprising me.So proud of him !
  • Nida' 2016.05.16 00:01
    still no one can replace cnblue to work with him tho :( but yeah right, just because cnblue already labelled as an idol no one ever appreciate their works 
  • YAT 2016.05.17 23:36

    Honestly, YH works well with anybody. 

  • YAT 2016.05.15 17:12

    I really missed his solo acts .... he has lots more to show outside band activities. He has never slacken on his band-related activities but I felt he's not really genuinely appreciated & often taken for granted by lots of people. He has the substance so he will shine regardless. He's such a versatile artiste; he just needs opportunity. While I love his songs written for the band because they allow each member to showcase their capability, it's still does not quench my thirst for this singer-songwriter-producer-actor ... so ad-hoc activities like empathy project, sugarman & infinite challenge are such a blessing with his busy schedule. I am also waiting patiently for solo album II and the JYH band concerts..

  • Pearl 2016.05.15 23:04
    I'm really happy that he is being recognised for this musical talents and being invited to those variety shows that can showcase his musical talents. Loved his rearranged song on Sugarman and IC. He's just so talented.
  • ish 2016.05.16 01:50
    He has the talent, attitude, personality and everything else required to go a long journey as an artist. His biggest challenge (apart from haters & all other distractions) is to find & maintain that fine balance between artistic authenticity & commercial success. It's very difficult to do so while still technically being a kpop idol (I say 'technically' because he's under a kpop agency bounded by an idol contract & has to make money for the agency).

    But this is YH we're talking about so I'm going to trust him on this; He always finds his own way of doing things. That's where the solo debut comes in; It paved way for him -so far- to collaborate with a talented & respected indie artist (project Empathy), take part in Sugarman & now Wedding Singers, & more opportunities will follow. He is no longer restricted within the boundaries of CNBLUE.

    However IMO, if he leaves CNB that should happen only according to his own wishes; NOT due to the hating from antis or the pressure from fans. Once again, I'll trust his judgement on this.
  • lauriciu 2016.05.17 02:40
    I like the fact Yonghwa has the rare talent to combine western elements with traditional ones, as it was seen in the mixture of the two wedding songs... The new product was awesome, Yonghwa put his perfect sense and add beautiful elements to create a unique, memorable song - that's a true musical talent.
    I'm glad he is becoming more visible in different projects, that is also an indicator of increasing recognition of his abilities, by true other artists, which I think it is more important than to be hate by some invidious people...
    I don't think we will leave CNBLUE, as he is a loyal person, he will find a way to shine anyway - good luck Yonghwa in all your projects!

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