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[OSEN=이혜린 기자]씨엔블루가 감성밴드로의 변신에 성공, 그 배경으로 "매너리즘"을 언급해 눈길을 모은다. 적지 않은 고민이 있었음을 시사하는 것.

씨엔블루는 최근 첫 도전한 브릿팝 장르인 '캔트 스톱(Can't stop)'으로, 이 장르로는 이례적으로 각 음원차트 상위권에 안착한 상태. 자칫 위험한 모험일 수도 있었던, 시도를 하게 된 배경에 대해 정용화는 지난해 겪게 된 슬럼프 얘기를 꺼냈다.

그는 최근 OSEN에 "어느 순간부터 지금껏 내가 해오던 스타일의 곡에 얽매여서 늘 같은 느낌의 곡만 나와 정신적으로 고통스러울 때가 있었다"면서 "정확히 말하면 지난해인데, 그 때 생각을 다시 하기 시작했다. 억지로 해오던 것들을 반복하지 말고 지금의 느낌 감정대로 곡을 써보자고"라고 말했다.

이어 "그래서 씨엔블루 그리고 내가 무대에 섰을 때의 그림을 그려보고 곡 작업을 하다 보니 '캔트 스톱'이란 노래가 나왔다. 한 노래 안에 보여줄 수 있는 것이 많은 노래라고 봤다. 콘서트에서는 자주 피아노를 연주했는데, 음악 방송이나 활동 때 피아노를 연주하는 것은 이번이 처음"이라고 말했다.

그러면서 "멋진 공연장에서 '캔트 스톱'을 들려드리고 싶다. 상상만 해도 멋지고 뿌듯하다"고 덧붙였다.

이번 앨범이 씨엔블루의 정체성 및 앞으로 나아갈 길을 보여준다고 했으니, 이같은 소신 행보는 앞으로도 계속될 전망.

정용화는 "내가 음악을 하는 이유 일순위는 음악으로 많은 사람들의 공감대를 만들어내고 그 음악을 듣는 많은 이들의 마음이 행복하게 할 수 있으면 해서다. '저 음악 하니까 제발 알아주세요!'가 아니다. 많은 사람들이 내가 곡을 쓰는 걸 아는 것보다, 많은 사람들이 나의 음악을 듣고 행복해지는 것이 내게도 행복"이라고 말했다.

CNBLUE cites "mannerism" for the background of their successful transformation into a "sentimental band", which is garnering attention. It reflects that there was no small amount of contemplation invested in the process.

With their first challenge in Brit pop genre 'Can't Stop', CNBLUE unusually reached stable high positions on digital charts. On taking this possibly risky challenge, Jung Yonghwa brought up the slump he suffered last year.

Recently he told OSEN, "At a certain moment, it was getting painful for me as I was stuck in the style of music that I'd been making, and I kept writing the songs that felt the same. To be specific, it was last year. That's when I began to think again. Instead of repeating what I've been doing, to compose from what I feel at the moment."

He continued, "As I wrote with the picture of CNBLUE and myself on the stage in mind, it resulted in 'Can't Stop'. I think it's a song that can show a lot within just one song. I often played the piano in concerts, but this is the first time I'm playing the piano during music show broadcasts and promotions."

He added, "I want to have you listen to 'Can't Stop' at a nice venue. It's so fascinating and fulfilling just to imagine it.'

Since this album was meant to show CNBLUE's identity and their prospective path, these steps will continue in the future.

Jung Yonghwa remarked, "The number one reason I make music is so that I can create bonds with many people, so that their hearts are filled with happiness through listening to that music. It’s not to say, 'I’m making music, please recognize it!' Rather than many people knowing the fact I write music, it makes me happier if many people become happy from listening to my music."

Tran by heich


  • klaritia 2014.03.04 11:55


    That last line just floored me. He can do that by showing me a little piece of his heart, not only by being that sexy rocker on stage or even the talented musician and poet. People should stop underestimating him, though I must say I underestimate him many a time. But those who say he's just another idol or he's greedy for fame irritate me like hell. Not even sure I'm angrier or less angry reading this. But this should never be about what I feel.

    All hail Yonghwa!!

  • steelyhazel 2014.03.04 12:57

    It's actually sad that he has to say it out loud. Anybody who have paid even cursory attention to him, would see right away that connecting to people and trying to make them happy is the drive behind everything he does. It's very impressive that he refuses to compromise where music is concerned, though. He seem to be always ready for a new challenge. It's both comforting and exciting to be his fan!

  • Lullaby 2014.03.04 12:59
    I love Can't Stop, but I also love I'm Sorry and In My Head. Eventhough I know where their direction's going, I hope he'll still compose something like Time is Over once in a while :)
    Yonghwa jjang!
  • s.jefferson 2014.03.04 13:02
    Yonghwa delivers not only good music, but also spreads happiness!!
  • musica 2014.03.04 13:17
    He just loves the fact that he can make people happy. And it happens to be through a medium he so loves. I feel that very happiness of his whenever I see his wide smile on the live stage. Some people are given an exceptional ability of empathy and he is one of them. He also has this innate magnetism that draws people to him. He just needs more exposure, he already has his music and his person to make everyone happy in his path. I must say I am so looking forward to this year's activities. A great start indeed.
  • lotus 2014.03.04 13:43
    마지막 문단 감동이군요.음악에 대한 진정성이 느껴지는 기사라니 ㅠㅠ
  • Mia 2014.03.04 14:45
    Loved the bit about being stuck in one place, so to speak. Yonghwa, you can do whatever you want! Some will go away, some will come to you. It's all good. Be honest with yourself and stay true to yourself.

    Do your thing, honey!
  • heich_ 2014.03.04 14:57
    "내가 음악을 하는 이유 일순위는 음악으로 많은 사람들의 공감대를 만들어내고 그 음악을 듣는 많은 이들의 마음이 행복하게 할 수 있으면 해서다. '저 음악 하니까 제발 알아주세요!'가 아니다. 많은 사람들이 내가 곡을 쓰는 걸 아는 것보다, 많은 사람들이 나의 음악을 듣고 행복해지는 것이 내게도 행복"

    덕분에 늘 행복합니다. ^^
  • amyhmi 2014.03.04 16:11
    정용화가 느끼는 창작자의 고통은 명예욕으로부터 온 것이 아닌, 음악으로써 '행복한 소통'을 하고자 하는 열망이네요.
    예술가의 경지를 넘어 치유자로서의 면모가 드러나는 인터뷰입니다.
    그리고 그는 이미 예술의 최고 善, '힐링'을 베풀고 있지요. 그의 음악으로 행복한 사람들이 이렇듯 많으니 말입니다.
    뼛속까지 뮤지션 정용화, 그가 늘상 외치는 이말이 새삼 마음에 와 닿네요. " JUST MUSIC!"
  • lodestar 2014.03.04 21:09
    thank you for filling our lives with joy through your music, may your heart be filled with a portion of joy you bring to each one of ours.
  • silvergate08 2014.03.05 00:24
    i never thought that he would feel that he is stuck with the same style of music. i never thought not even once his music sounds the same. i fell in love again on how his minds works, its so beautiful, really, for his age. for 3 years of being a fan of him i feel that he is really genuine to what he always says that he wants his music to be heard and enjoyed by more people and not because of fame and money. i dont mind him changing into ballad. y why is one of my favorite songs from them. and then he gives us love is and cold love. which purely breathtaking :)
  • anonymous 2017.02.15 14:22
    그 마음이 고스란히 내게로 옵니다.
    내스타 덕분에 늘 행복합니다.

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