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2013.08.04 11:55


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BQyrAHyCUAA72vv.jpg BQyq7LWCMAEegm4.jpg 


용화 "이거 맥주 아니예요! 녹차입니다! 그럼 녹차로 가 볼까요!?" 뭔지 모르겠지만 멋져!!!

YH "This isn't beer! It's tea! Then let's go with tea, shall we!?" I don't know what he means but he's cool!!!

  • heich_ 2013.08.04 11:59
    @FES_WOWOW: 【RIJF.2013 現地より】 LAKE STAGEにはCNBLUE!!ステージに彼らが立った瞬間の歓声が凄かった!!!!!
    LAKE STAGE에 씨엔블루! 무대에 그들이 선 순간 환성이 엄청났다!!!!!
    CNBLUE on LAKE STAGE! As soon as they got on stage, the audience screamed so much!!!!!

    CNBLUE 그냥 멋지네! 뭔가 멘트는 잘 모르겠는데 재밌어 ㅋㅋ 그리고 신경쓰이는 날카로운 목소리구나!!!
    CNBLUE's just cool! I don't know what they're saying but it's interesting. And that sharp voice!!!
  • jj 2013.08.04 12:05
    빠른 번역 감사합니다^^
  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:05
    CNBLUE 전 좋네요! 멋져
    I like CNBLUE! They're cool

    ヨンファ『みなさん、暑いですか?まだまだ足りないです。ウォームアップです。今からが本当のCNです。ありがとうございます。』え?! ヨンファ『今日は仕事も無いし、社長もないし、遊んじゃおう!』え?!!! とにかくよくわからん!ハマりそう、なにこのMC!
    용화 "여러분, 더우세요? 아직 멀었어요. 워밍업이예요. 지금부터 진짜 씨엔입니다. 감사합니다." "오늘은 일도 없고, 사장님도 없고, 놀아버려요!"
    YH "Everyone, are you hot? We're not there yet. It's warming up. This is the real CN from now. Thank you." "Today, there's no work, no boss, just play!"
  • lotus 2013.08.04 12:50
    사장님도 없고ㅋㅋㅋ!!
  • zisel 2013.08.04 19:05

    Simple words yet so logical. I love the way Yong connects to people with words & his music. Awesome.

  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:06 Files첨부 (1)



  • mystarYH 2013.08.04 12:06
    팬아니신분들의 후기도 좋네요. 자꾸 올라옵니다ㅎㅎ
  • jj 2013.08.04 12:08
    사장님도 없고...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:08

    CNBLUE初めて聴いたけど はまりそう\(^o^)/ まさかの韓国人とは!

    CNBLUE 처음 들었는데 빠질 것 같아 \(^o^)/ 한국인일 줄은!

    I heard CNBLUE for the first time, I think I'm falling for them \(^o^)/ Didn't think they'd be Korean!

  • steelyhazel 2013.08.04 12:08
    Realtime translations! Thank you!
  • mystarYH 2013.08.04 12:08
    @uptoyuka211: ヨンファ『韓国の曲です。コーヒーショップ。コーヒーショップどこですか? のみたーーーい!!!』 すげえ、曲の入り方www"
  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:17

    용화 "한국 노래입니다. 커피샵. 커피샵 어디에 있나요? 마시고싶~어~!!!"

    YH "It's a Korean song. Coffe shop. Where's the coffee shop? I wanna drink~~!!!"

  • mystarYH 2013.08.04 12:13
    @FES_WOWOW: 【RIJF.2013 現地より】ヨンファの爽やかな見た目からは想像できない激しいシャウトが連発!!これには皆が釘付けになる!!![CNBLUE]@ LAKE STAGE ⇒http://t.co/qCDy6YA20j #wowow #rijf2013
  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:14


    씨엔팬 아닌 일반인들이 CNBLUE좋네!라고 하는 느낌에 너무 기뻐서 싱숭생숭해!

    Seems like Non-CN fans are saying "CNBLUE's good!", it makes my heart flutter!

    @FES_WOWOW: 【RIJF.2013 現地より】ヨンファの爽やかな見た目からは想像できない激しいシャウトが連発!!これには皆が釘付けになる!!!

    용화의 상큼한 외모에서 상상할수 없었던 격한 샤우트가 연발!! 다들 꼼짝 못하게 되는군요!!!!

    Series of tough shouts, unimaginable from Yonghwa's refreshing face!! With this, everyone's struck still!!!!

  • jj 2013.08.04 12:15
    말뚝을 박는다가 이런 뜻이었군요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • mystarYH 2013.08.04 12:30
    ㅋㅋㅋㅋ그렇군요. 저도 번역기 의지하니ㅎㅎ
  • zisel 2013.08.04 19:08

    Ha Ha! Yong just needs a stage & he will surely shine.

  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:22

    CNBLUEの方達、日本語ペラペラ過ぎるwww いやー、ロッキンジャパンいいイベントですねー! 準備はいいですか! 次の曲いくぜ! ・・・あれ?ホントは日本人なんじゃw(⌒▽⌒;)

    はい、今CNBLUEなうです(´∀`) ボーカルさん、歌が上手いですねー!歌声が非常に安定してますわw

    CNBLUE終了なう。 ロッキンジャパン、ありがとうー! どう考えてもネイティブ発音です。素晴らしいw

    CNBLUE여러분들, 일본어 술술 너무 잘해 ㅋㅋㅋ 와-, 록인재팬 좋은 이벤트네요~! 준비는 되었나요! 다음 곡 갑시다!...어? 진짜 일본인 아냐?

    네, 지금 CNBLUE입니다. 보컬분, 노래 잘하시네요-! 노래하는 목소리가 굉장히 안정되어있어요.

    CNBLUE지금 끝. 록인재팬 고마워-! 아무리 생각해도 네이티브 발음입니다. 훌륭해.

    CNBLUE's too good at Japanese Wow, Rock In Japan is a great event~! Are your ready? Next song please! Huh? Aren't they Japanese?

    Right, it's CNBLUE right now. The vocal's very good! The singing voice is very stable.

    CNBLUE's over now. Thank you RIJ-! No matter how I think about it, it's a native pronunciation. Superb.

  • zisel 2013.08.04 19:11

    So happy to hear the appreciation of Yong's gorgeous voice & singing. Awesome!!

  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:22

    [CNBLUE]RIJF2013Setlist/Where you are→Wake up→Let's Go Crazy→(MC)→Robot→Coffee Shop→I'm sorry→Lady、以上7曲。

  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:26

    【RIJF.2013 現地より】CNBLUEって何者!?という、初CNBLUE体験の方々が続々とLAKE STAGEに…!盛り上がりが伝染しています!!

    【RIJF.2013 現地より】 CNBLUE、全力でステージを駆け抜けてくれました!いつまででも踊っていたい!と思わせてくれる最高のステージでした!!!!「BOICE」は確実に広がった!!!!

    CNBLUE라니 누구야!? 라는, 처음 CNBLUE를 경험한 분들이 속속 LAKE STAGE에...! 들뜬 분위기가 전염되는군요!!

    CNBLUE 전력으로 무대를 달려주셨습니다! 언제까지나 춤추고 싶어!라고 생각하게 해준 최고의 무대였습니다!!! "BOICE"는 확실히 많아졌다!!!!

    "Who's CNBLUE!?" Those who had their first CNBLUE experience are swarming to LAKE STAGE...! The heated atmosphere is contagious!!

    CNBLUE ran the stage with all their energy! It was the best stage that made us think "I don't want to stop dancing"!!! BOICE multiplied for sure!!!!

  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:29 Files첨부 (1)
  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:32

    @FES_WOWOW: 【RIJF.2013 現地より】 後ろで座って観ていた人達も、CNBLUEのステージを見ているうちに、どんどん前に!前に!カッコいい!!!という声が方々から聞こえてきます!

    뒤에 앉아서 보던 이들도, CNBLUE의 무대를 보는동안 점점 앞으로! 앞으로! 멋져!!! 라는 목소리가 사방에서  들려옵니다!

    Those who were watching from the back, as they watch CNBLUE's stage, came forward, forward! I hear words like "Cool!" from everywhere!

  • cristina17mihaela 2013.08.04 15:35

    wow! warms my heart these words.
    CNBLUE are great on stages. ^ ^

  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:37

    : miwa待ちのつもりで LAKE STAGEにいたら いまやってるバンドがかっこよすぎる!! CNBLUEっていうらしい これはやばい ハードロック!

    miwa 대기할 생각으로 LAKE STAGE에 있었더니 지금 하는 밴드가 너무 멋져!! CNBLUE라는것 같은데 이건 위험한 하드록!

    I was waiting for miwa at the LAKE STAGE, but the band playing now's too cool!! Seems like they're called CNBLUE, this is dangerous hard rock!


    RIJF, CNBLUE 좋은 무대였습니다! 멤버의 기합이 쭉쭉 전달되었고, 노래하는 용화 포함, 초 와일드!~ 댄서블하고 하드한 "Lady"는 좋은 액센트(강조)로, 최고의 매듭이었습니다. 아, 멋졌어요!

    RIJF, CNBLUE had a great stage! Member's energy was delivered straightforwardly. Including the vocal Yonghwa, super wild!~ Danceable and hard, "Lady" was a great accent, and the best ending. Ah, they were awesome!

  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:41

    【CN ロッキン】 最後のヨンファ、ロッキンのカンバッチを左右に投げて、 「Rock in japan !!!!!!!!」 的なことをカッコよく叫んで、ロッキンのタオルをバッ!って見せて去って行ったけど、 タオル上下逆!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wwwwwwwww

    [CN록인] 마지막에 용화, 록인 캔뱃지를 좌우에 던지고, "Rock in japan!!!!!!!!"같은 걸 멋지게 소리지르고, 록인 타올을 탁! 하고 보여주고 사라졌는데, 타올 위아래 반전!!!!!ㅋㅋㅋ

    At the end, Yonghwa threw the metal badges left and right, shouted something like "Rock in japan!!!!!!!!", showed the RI towel and disappeared. But the towel was upside down! kkk 

  • mystarYH 2013.08.04 12:44
  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:45


    CNBLUE 너무 멋졌어! 용화 위험해 ♡ 라이브 가고싶어졌다 (웃음)

    CNBLUE was so awesome! Yonghwa's dangerous ♡ I want to go to their live show (laugh)


    록인 끝났다-용화 위험해 최고~

    RI's over-Yonghwa was dangerous, the best~

  • zisel 2013.08.04 19:14

    Agree totally ... he is one hottie, DSM.

  • heich_ 2013.08.04 12:50

    : ロッキンにCNBLUE出てるの知らなかった(;゚∀゚) なんかCNBLUEはKPOPのくくりじゃない気がする!!

    록인에 CNBLUE 나오는줄 몰랐어. 뭔가 CNBLUE는 Kpop 묶음은 아닌것 같은 느낌이야!!

    I didn't know CNBLUE was appearing in RI. For some reason, CNBLUE doesn't seem like they're oen of the Kpop bundle!!

  • steelyhazel 2013.08.04 12:51
    "Dangerous" seems to be the consensus. :)
  • musica 2013.08.04 13:08
    Couldn't agree more! YH's definition of DSM could also be Dangerously Sexy Metal!!
  • cristina17mihaela 2013.08.04 16:01

    so true ... hihihi...

  • feeling_JYH 2013.08.04 13:02
    후기만 봐도 완전 흥분됩니다~! 직접 봤더라면 더 그랬겠죠? ㅠㅠ 역시 첨 보는 사람들도 용화에게 빠지는군요~!!!
  • heich_ 2013.08.04 13:03

    ‏@EinaAsagi CNBLUEヤバイわなめてた かっこよかった めっちゃ歌うまいし めっちゃ人入ってた!!!!

    CNBLUE 위험해요 불타올랐어 멋졌어 완전 노래 잘하고 완전 사람많음!!!

    CNBLUE Dangerous We burned up They were awesome, so good at singing so many people!!!!

    ロッキンなう! CNBLUE超カッコよかった(TT)

    ヨンファ歌上手すぎ!! MC初めて聞いたけど萌死_| ̄|○

    지금 록인! CNBLUE 초 멋졌다 (TT)

    용화 노래 너무 잘해!! 멘트 처음 들었는데 덕심터짐 _| ̄|○

    RI now! CNBLUE was super awesome (TT)

    Yonghwa's too good at singing!! I heard his MC for the first time, died from cuteness_| ̄|○

    【130804 RIJF CNBLUE】Let's go crazy前?イントロ中?のヨンファ→「韓国から来ました!Music only!!音楽だけ!!」政治なんて関係なく、音楽を聴いて判断してほしいという気持ちの現れかな。初めて見る方に偏見なく見てもらえたと思います。

    Let's go crazy 전인가? 인트로 중인가? 용화 "한국에서 왔습니다! Music only!! 단지 음악만!!" 정치따위 상관없이, 음악을 듣고 판단해달라는 마음의 표현일까. 처음 보는 사람들에게도 편견없이 보여졌다고 생각합니다.

    Before Let's go crazy? or in the middle of intro? YH "We're from Korea! Music only (eng)! Just music!! " Perhaps a way to express that he wants to be judged by listening their music, regardless of politics. I think they were accepted without prejudice even to first timers.

  • musica 2013.08.04 13:15
    So proud of him to have a conviction and confidence to make such a statement. He has this amazing quality of drawing people right into him immediately.
  • zisel 2013.08.04 19:16

    I can't agree more. Yong is AMAZINGLY AWESOME. Such a cutie, sweetie & hottie too. ^^

  • musica 2013.08.04 13:17
    Dear Heich, thank you so much for these speedy translations. Such a treat!
  • sandra 2013.08.04 13:23
    Heich thank you so much for the live FA, we appreciated a lot :)
  • rockerchic 2013.08.04 13:24
    Cannot thank you enough, heich for doing this for all of us who can't read Japanese. So proud of the band, so proud of Yonghwa. Crazy awesome.
  • heich_ 2013.08.04 13:51

    ヨンファのmake some noise‼‼‼‼鳥肌立った。。画面にうつるヨンファがいちいちかっこよくてセクシーで画面、Stage、画面、Stageて見るの大変だった

    용화의make some noise!!!!!! 닭살돋았다..화면에 비추는 용화가 하나하나 멋지고 섹시해서 화면, 무대, 화면, 무대 이렇게 보느라 힘들었다

    Yonghwa's make some noise!!!!!! gave me the goosebumps. Each and every shot of Yonghwa shown on the screen was so good looking and sexy, it was difficult to keep looking back and forth at the screen, stage, screen, and stage again.


    용화는 글로벌해. 멋져-! 정말!

    Yonghwa's global. He's just so cool-!

  • desyindrayani 2013.08.04 13:59
    Thank you so much for the translations :)
  • Pearl 2013.08.04 14:25
    Thank you so much for the translations. It really warms my heart to see so many comments from non-CNBLUE fans who discoverd them at this concert. So happy for the boys and also so proud of them!
  • cristina17mihaela 2013.08.04 15:45

    hahaha ... So proud of them ...

    Yonghwa is electrifying ... anyone hear and see him on stage, it is hooked

  • trueheart 2013.08.04 14:38
    덕분에 트윗의 일본어 후기들 잘 볼수 있었어요. 기존의 팬들 뿐 아니라 롹팬들 사로잡은 정용화 참 대단합니다. bbbbb 매번 기대치를 넘어버리는 그이기에 정말 끝까지 같이 가 보고 싶어져요.....오늘 후기들 다 통틀어 보면 결론은 정용화 짱!! 용느님 만세!!....
  • lotus 2013.08.04 14:46
    외부에서 있어서 실시간 같이 달리지 못하고 잠깐씩 소식들을 때마다 가슴이 쿵쿵거렸습니다.번역해 주셔서 감사합니다.언제나 제 가슴을 뛰게 하는 사람은 정용화라는걸 실감했습니다.자랑스런 정용화 그의 꿈이 이루어지기를..
  • Cherie 2013.08.04 16:41
    thank you so much for FA. I'm so proud of them! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • heich_ 2013.08.04 16:56


    CNBLUE 라이브 엄청 멋지고 최고였다! 내년에도 록인에서 보고싶네~ 

    CNBLUE's live was so cool, the best! I want to see them at RI again next  year~

  • zisel 2013.08.04 19:23
    Thanks for translation of FA. Happy that people appreciate his awesome singing & music. Cool guy.
  • 제인오스틴 2013.08.04 23:55
    저도 이 모습을 눈으로 볼 수 있었다면 얼마나 좋았을까요 ㅠ

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