by heich_ posted Jun 27, 2016


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YHY: What's the topic for today's "Descendants of Lyric-writing"?

PJS: Today, it's about music that singles like me definitely need. "Songs that guarantee (love) confession to succeed 100%."

YHY: Okay. "Songs that guarantee confession to succeed 100%." Before we introduce our viewers' stories, we have each age range here, from teens to twenties, thirties, and forties. Could you pick your generation's top confessional song? Let's start with teens.

AKMU Suhyun: As for my age group, it's a song called "Love Light" by CNBLUE sunbaenims. 

YHY: How does it go?

Suhyun (sings)

"4일 방송될 <유희열의 스케치북> 작사의 후예는 '사랑 고백 100% 성공하게 만드는 노래'라는 주제로 진행된다. 이날 악동뮤지션과 박지선은 각 세대별 대표적인 고백 송에 대해 소개했는데, 먼저 10대 수현은 씨엔블루의 '사랑빛', 20대 찬혁은 SG워너비의 '라라라', 30대 박지선은 전람회의 '취중진담'이라고 답해 공감을 불러 일으켰다는 후문."



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