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What’s the charm of rock and roll?



You’re very successful even though you’ve debuted for only four years. How did you do it?

Because we’ve been performing non-stop! We actually think we should have done better. What kind of practice can beat live performances?


Why were you so keen on doing street lives?

Because we could introduce CNBLUE to people who didn’t know us through street lives. And it feels totally different interacting with strangers than with fans. There’s this different charm.


Though you sing and play instruments well and you show people your talents, you are often called “idol band". Do you mind that label?

Very honored. I think there’s no difference between bands and idol bands, because a band is a band.


Besides music, what’s your favourite past time?

Play Station games.


If you hadn’t become a star (celebrity), what would be your aspired career?

I would have been working hard to become an (entertainment artist). I really haven’t thought of doing other things.


Ideal type of girl friend? Tell us your view on love. How to balance between work and romantic relationship?

Kim Yuna. For me at this moment, my career is more important. I enjoy my work a lot.


Chinese to English translation by klaritia

Thanks to 无敌疯兔子for the magazine photos

-락앤롤의 매력은 뭔가?


-데뷔한지 이제 4년인데 이미 성공을 이뤘다. 비결은 무엇인가?

지금까지 멈추지 않고 공연을 해왔기 때문이다. 실은 더 잘할 수 있었다고 생각한다. 그 어떤 연습도 라이브 공연에 비하지는 못할 거다.

-왜 그렇게 길거리 라이브를 고집했는가?

길거리 라이브를 통해 씨엔블루를 모르는 분들께 우리를 알릴 수 있었다. 그리고 팬들이 아닌, 우리를 모르는 분들을 대하는 느낌은 아주 다르다. 색다른 매력이 있다.

-노래도 잘 하고, 연주도 잘 하는 등 실력을 선보여도 '아이돌 밴드'라고 불리곤 한다. 그 명칭에 대해서 신경쓰는지?

매우 영광이다. 밴드와 아이돌밴드에는 차이가 없다고 생각한다. 밴드는 밴드이기 때문이다.

-음악 외에는 어떤 취미를 갖고 있나?

플레이스테이션 게임을 한다.

-연예인이 되지 않았더라면 어떤 직업을 택했을 것 같나?

연예인이 되려고 열심히 노력했을 것 같다. 다른 걸 해 볼 생각은 딱히 한 적 없다.

-이상형은 누구인가? 사랑에 대한 생각을 알려달라. 일과 연애의 균형을 어떻게 맞출 것인가?

김연아다. 지금 나에게는 커리어가 더 중요하다. 이 일을 하는 것이 매우 즐겁다.

klaritia님 원문으로부터 영한번역: heich

  • lotus 2014.03.25 14:05
    Thank you so much:)
    용화 인터뷰는 언제나 흥미있죠.
    일중독인 용화 다시 확인도 하고 이상형도 ㅎㅎ
  • mystarYH 2014.03.25 14:12
    밴드는 밴드다.
  • heich_ 2014.03.25 14:32

    "매우 영광이다. 밴드와 아이돌밴드에는 차이가 없다고 생각한다. 밴드는 밴드이기 때문이다."

    가타부타 없이 거하게 한 방.
    멋져요 정말

  • Pearl 2014.03.25 15:01
    I like his answer to "idol band". A band is a band ! Well said and that is what I've always felt. It's often those who are narrow minded that want to pigeon hole them into a category and overlook their talent.
  • desy 2014.03.25 17:28
    Thank you. Hope he always gets his freedom for rock n roll forever. Please don't let company or whoever bother your freedom!

    Always love his answers!
  • 스더 2014.03.25 18:17
    아이돌밴드라는 말은 저렇게 예쁘게 받아들이는 용화가 참 멋지단 생각이드네요 또 제가 부끄러워지기도 합니다
  • redion26 2014.03.25 19:09

    이 아이의 마음 속에는 뭐가 들어있을까요? 정말 깊이를 알 수 없는 아이인 것 같아요...

  • postilion 2014.03.25 20:11
    Now,it seems he hardly can have out door activities such as hiking, snowboarding, basketball ...so his favorite becomes play station game :((
  • zarabella93 2014.03.25 20:48
    Truth a band is a band just because they are born with a good looking face that doesn't mean they are not talented. They are just born with both looks and talent which is an extra bonus for them.
  • booksandcoffeejen 2014.03.26 02:13
    Career is important JYH but love is good too! Make time for both please! :D
  • klaritia 2014.03.26 08:25

    Just read the main article, nothing new at all. The following not that new either, but this time Yonghwa explained more.

    The first time Yonghwa was attracted to rock was when he's in the first year of middle school. He heard Bon Jovi's voice in his elder brother's MP3 player. The song was "It's My Life". He was amazed by the vocals, thinking "How can the voice of a person be so charming!" He began to fall in love with rock then, and often imitated Jovi's singing.

    Thanks to NicoleGu for Harper's Bazaar China scans :)

  • 짱엄프 2014.03.30 00:38
    늘 인터뷰의 내용이 일관성있는게 자기 신념이 확고한 용화가 더욱 매력적이네요^^

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