
[메자마시TV MezamashiTV] 2013.12.17 Never Stop 시사회 Premiere

by heich_ posted Dec 17, 2013


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cr. kaanat tsu

용화: 저희도 어제 영화를 봤는데요. 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 정말로.
종현: 깜짝 놀랄만큼 살쪘었죠.
용화: 그러네요. 투어 중이라 정말 많이 먹고 살이 쪄서...부끄럽습니다.
YH: We saw the movie yesterday, and I was shocked...really.
JH: You were shockingly chubby.
YH: Yes...It was middle of the tour, so I had really eaten a lot and gained weight...It was embarrassing.


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