
[트윗 Tweet] NYC 공연이 끝났습니다!!! 정말 재밌었어요!!! The NYC performance is over!!

by heich_ posted Jan 22, 2014


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여러분 안녕하세요! 용화예요^^ NYC 공연이 끝났습니다!!! 정말 재밌었어요!!! 뉴욕에 눈이 많이 왔는데 공연장까지 오셔서 저희를 응원해 주신 팬분들께 다시한번 감사합니다. 한국도 많이 춥죠? 감기 조심하세요! 남은 공연 잘하고 돌아갈게요^^ Just Music!

Everyone hello! It's Yonghwa^^ The NYC performance is over!! It was really fun!! It snowed a lot in New York, thank you again to the fans who came all the way to the venue and supported us. It's cold in Korea too, right? Be careful not to catch the cold! I'll do a good job with remaining shows and return^^ Just Music! 
