
[트윗 Tweet] 참고로 전 정용화 타입ㅎㅎ FYI, I'm Jung Yonghwa Type.

by heich_ posted Nov 27, 2013


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

안녕하세요 용화예요! 헉 이거 누가 만든거지!???!??????????? 깜짝 놀랐어요....... 헉 ㅠ

Hello this is Yonghwa! OMG Who made this!???!??????????? I was so surprised....TT 

Psych test on Domination
Q. You went to a drinking mixer for your company. If you're the last to enter, where will you sit?
1. Next to the highest-ranking senior
2. Next to your coworker friend
3. In front of the senior right above your rank
4. You are the boss

-Results from CDD111
1: Juniel
2: Hongki
3: Choosing No.3, you're Jung Yonghwa type. Always polite and friendly, a type who manages his own network well but has no interest on dominating the leadership.
4. HSH.

전 오오사카 공연다녀왔습니다^^ 지금은 숙소예요 히히 여러분 드라마 본방사수하셨죠? 이제 일주일남았어요ㅠ 박상무 계속 응원해주세요! 그리고 감기조심 하세요~!!! Ps. 참고로 전 정용화 타입ㅎㅎ
I'm back from the Osaka concert^^ I'm at the hotel now heehee Everyone, I'm sure you all watched the drama real-time right? Now there's only a week left TT Please keep rooting for Director Park! And be careful not to catch the cold~!!! Ps. FYI, I'm Jung Yonghwa Type, hehe.
