
[트윗 Tweet] 여러분!!!! 수능대박!!!!! Everyone!!!! Daebak on your college exams!!!!

by heich_ posted Nov 07, 2013


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여러분!!!! 수능대박!!!!! 원하시는 대학교 모두 가실수있을겁니다!!! 그리고 여러분의 꿈을 높게!!! 드림하이~~~ 그런의미에서 ㅋㅋ드림하이 출연자분들과 한 컷 찍었습니다~~~~ 오늘 푹자고 내일 좋은 컨디션으로!!!!! 화이팅!!!

[Trans] Everyone!!!! Daebak on your college exams!!!!! You'll all be able to go to the college you want!!! And aim your dreams high!!! Dream high~~~ In line with that kk I took a shot with the actors of Dream High ~~~ Get a good night's sleep tonight for a good condition tomorrow!!!!! Hwaiting!!!
