
[SNS] 상해 콘서트가 끝났어요. 너무 감사드려요. The Shanghai show is over. Thank you so, so much.

by heich_ posted Oct 02, 2015


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역) 상해 콘서트가 끝났어요. 정말 너무 너무 감사드려요. 제 음악이 여러분께 energy를 드릴 수 있다면, 전 너무나 행복해요. 제 진심이 여러분에게 전해졌으면 좋겠네요! 다시 한번 감사드려요!

Trans) The Shanghai show is over. Thank you so, so much. If my music could give you energy, I'd be very happy. I hope my heart is conveyed to you! Thank you again!

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Trans) The Shanghai concert is over. Thank you all who enjoyed it. Also, I heard that we won no.1 on Music Bank. Thank you. It's thanks to you... Thank you
