
닭그림 Chicken 2015.01.26 WAVE Nagoya

by heich_ posted Jan 26, 2015


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크게 작게 뷰어로 보기 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

cr. Yfftw1120 

YH: How many claws do chickens have? 3?

JS: 3...4?

YH: 4?

JS: 3 in front, 1 in the back.

YH: It doesn't matter.

Isn't that galbi (beef bbq)?

JS: That's quite detailed.

YH: This is too red.

This isn't the color!

JS: You mean this?

YH: The color's different from how it looks.

Let's not quibble about the color. The color I want isn't coming out..

JS: Do you need this color?

YH: Nah.

I'm done! I'm drawing the meadow too.


디테일 짱ㅋㅋ


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