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2017.01.19 11:47

[결전식신 CUAS] TVB8 News 2017.01.18

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*오역 지정 환영합니다! please feel free to point out any mistranslations!*


YH: When we were filming, there was a scene where I ate this top-notch level beef called "A-5 wagyu." The director kept telling me not to make mistakes, because it's such an expensive cut of beef and it needs to be re-cooked for me to eat again. But I ended up doing 3 retakes...it was so tasty.


I heard the OST for the movie. When I see him (Nic Tse) again, I'd talk lots about music with him, hoping for a nice collaboration work together.


Michelle Wai: Oppa is such a good person. He's also someone who's very eager to learn. He just keeps asking others, like "how to say 'hello', "how to say 'thank you'". He's learning Mandarin by himself and you could see he's really working hard. He really wants to interact with others better. He's also very polite. Each time when he sees an actor, or any crew member, he just greets them first, says hello and so on. So I really think he's a super nice person. (trans by klaritia)

위시아: 오빠는 정말 좋은 사람이에요. 매우 열심히 배우려고 하는 사람이구요. 주변 사람들에게 "안녕하세요" "감사합니다" 같은 말을 어떻게 하는지 언제나 물어봐요. 스스로 중국어를 배우고 있는데, 굉장히 많이 노력하며 다른 사람들과 많이 교류하려고 하죠. 그리고 매우 예의바른 사람이예요. 동료 연기자나 스탭을 만날 때마다 먼저 안부를 전하고 인사하고요. 정말 너무나 좋은 사람이에요.

  • klaritia 2017.01.19 12:04
    I tried to translate the actress's words more "directly".

    Michelle Wai: Oppa is such a good person. He's also someone who's very eager to learn. He just keeps asking others, like "how to say 'hello', "how to say 'thank you'". He's learning Mandarin by himself and you could see he's really working hard. He really wants to interact with others better. He's also very polite. Each time when he sees an actor, or any crew member, he just greets them first, says hello and so on. So I really think he's a super nice person.
  • heich_ 2017.01.19 12:09

    updated! thank u♥♥♥♥

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