Home Acting 인터뷰 2017.01.16 13:49 [결전식신 CUAS] 마카오 스튜디오시티 인터뷰 Interview in Studio City heich_ 조회 수 1024 추천 수 1 댓글 4 ? 단축키 Prev이전 문서 Next다음 문서 크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 cr. 新濠影汇https://t.co/tZ1XyQbOAM youtube upload by goldenbridge sfo Trans) (his answers only) 1. Though everything's memorable, I stayed for a long time in Foshan, I miss the set. 2. I wanna try the role of a policeman who's passionate for justice. 3. It's very fancy here, made me think I want to live in a house like this. It was very nice. 4. I wanted to try the ferris wheel. I could see it from my room. But the line was so long, I couldn't ride it. That was regrettable. All I did was work out in the gym, but I wanna try it this time. 5. In the room service menu, I'm a bit hesitant to sound like I'm promoting it, but there's this lamb steak. I even had it three times a day. With my manager hyung, I'd eat lamb chops two meals a day, every day. We'd say, "I really wanna meet this chef who cooks the lamb. How does he make it so good?" Today, I had it as soon as I got here. 6. It makes me so hungry to keep talking about food. I like hot pot. There's the Macanese kind, right? I really want some. 7. Haute cuisine restaurant vs. Pojangmacha (casual, street bar/restaurant) I prefer Pojangmacha. Since debut,... when I was in school, I'd often eat ttokboki and such food at pojangmacha. But it's been a long time since I had them, I'd like to eat them again. 8. Chinese vs. French cuisine I'd pick Chinese food. For filming a drama, I stayed in France for two months. (French food) is very delicious, really good. But having baguette bread every day, it hurt my jaw a little. Chinese food has many variety, I prefer Chinese food. 9. Sweet vs. Spicy food Before, I used to like spicy food but now I like sweet things. Perhaps my blood sugar level is low... I seem to like sweet things these days. Prev [결전식신 CUAS] HotTV 팬미팅 이모저모 Fanmeet clips [결전식신 CUAS] HotTV 팬미팅 이모저모 Fanmeet clips 2017.01.16by [결전식신 CUAS] 정용화, 中 영화 '결전식신' 개봉 전 팬미팅 개... Next [결전식신 CUAS] 정용화, 中 영화 '결전식신' 개봉 전 팬미팅 개... 2017.01.16by 1 추천 목록 Facebook Twitter Google Pinterest 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 Comments '4' tuthuy 2017.01.16 13:52 Thank you very much for the translation! 댓글 klaritia 2017.01.16 14:32 Official facebook versionhttps://www.facebook.com/studiocitymacau/?refid=52&__tn__=C 댓글 lotus 2017.01.16 14:48 어빠 조근조근 말하는 목소리 듣기 좋네요.연말에 흥용화 많이 보다 차분한 용화보니 그것도 좋은 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 댓글 YAT 2017.01.17 23:30 Thank you. I love to watch his solo interviews ... love to hear talk ...kkk 댓글 ✔댓글 쓰기 에디터 선택하기 ✔ 텍스트 모드 ✔ 에디터 모드 ? 댓글 쓰기 권한이 없습니다. 로그인 하시겠습니까? Category 공지 영상 사진 인터뷰 리뷰 뉴스 메이킹 팬아트 기타 List Zine Gallery List of Articles 번호 분류 제목 날짜 조회 수 추천 수 1107 영상 [결전식신 CUAS] Charity Screening @ Causeway Bay HK - Chef Paul's Scene 5 2017.01.26 781 4 1106 영상 [결전식신 CUAS] 자선시사회 영상 Charity Screening 4 2017.01.25 562 2 1105 영상 [결전식신 CUAS] 프로모션 행사 Promo event 3 2017.01.25 437 1 1104 뉴스 [CUAS] Charity Event For Redford Foundation at 4:00PM on Jan 25 (Facebook Live) 2017.01.25 422 0 1103 사진 [결전식신 CUAS] Promotion Banner in a Beijing Theater 3 2017.01.24 282 1 1102 사진 [결전식신 CUAS] 새 개인 포스터 New individual poster 2 2017.01.23 288 0 1101 뉴스 [더패키지 ThePackage] 마리끌레르 - 연기돌 아주 칭찬해! 2017.01.23 404 0 1100 인터뷰 [결전식신 CUAS] KSD韓星網 인터뷰 Interview 5 2017.01.23 333 1 1099 사진 [결전식신 CUAS] 새 스틸 New Stills 1 2017.01.19 673 2 1098 영상 [결전식신 CUAS] 새 트레일러 New trailer 8 2017.01.19 741 1 1097 뉴스 [결전식신 CUAS] 북미/오세아니아/유럽 상영관 확정 Theaters confirmed for N.Am/Oceania/Europe 1 2017.01.19 865 2 1096 인터뷰 [결전식신 CUAS] TVB8 News 2017.01.18 2 2017.01.19 323 1 1095 뉴스 [결전식신 CUAS] 야외 자선 시사회 Outdoor Charity Screening 2 2017.01.18 955 1 1094 사진 [결전식신 CUAS] 포스터 사인중 Signing posters 2017.01.18 307 0 1093 뉴스 [결전식신 CUAS] 정용화, 中 스크린 진출 '대성황' Jung Yonghwa's Successful Venture into Chinese Screen 2017.01.18 298 2 1092 영상 [결전식신 CUAS] 정용화, 배우로 중국 인기 잇는다… '결전식신' 프로모션 돌입 1 2017.01.17 389 0 1091 영상 [결전식신 CUAS] HotTV 팬미팅 이모저모 Fanmeet clips 5 2017.01.16 834 1 » 인터뷰 [결전식신 CUAS] 마카오 스튜디오시티 인터뷰 Interview in Studio City 4 2017.01.16 1024 1 1089 뉴스 [결전식신 CUAS] 정용화, 中 영화 '결전식신' 개봉 전 팬미팅 개최 JYH Holds Fanmeet Prior to Chinese Film 'CUAS' Premiere 2017.01.16 676 3 1088 영상 [결전식신 CUAS] 마카오 스튜디오시티 밋앤그릿 영상 Macau Studio City Meet & Greet Full vid. 2017.01.15 4 2017.01.15 1185 2 Search 검색 제목+내용제목내용댓글닉네임태그 쓰기 Board Pagination Prev 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ... 69 Next / 69 GO
cr. 新濠影汇https://t.co/tZ1XyQbOAM youtube upload by goldenbridge sfo Trans) (his answers only) 1. Though everything's memorable, I stayed for a long time in Foshan, I miss the set. 2. I wanna try the role of a policeman who's passionate for justice. 3. It's very fancy here, made me think I want to live in a house like this. It was very nice. 4. I wanted to try the ferris wheel. I could see it from my room. But the line was so long, I couldn't ride it. That was regrettable. All I did was work out in the gym, but I wanna try it this time. 5. In the room service menu, I'm a bit hesitant to sound like I'm promoting it, but there's this lamb steak. I even had it three times a day. With my manager hyung, I'd eat lamb chops two meals a day, every day. We'd say, "I really wanna meet this chef who cooks the lamb. How does he make it so good?" Today, I had it as soon as I got here. 6. It makes me so hungry to keep talking about food. I like hot pot. There's the Macanese kind, right? I really want some. 7. Haute cuisine restaurant vs. Pojangmacha (casual, street bar/restaurant) I prefer Pojangmacha. Since debut,... when I was in school, I'd often eat ttokboki and such food at pojangmacha. But it's been a long time since I had them, I'd like to eat them again. 8. Chinese vs. French cuisine I'd pick Chinese food. For filming a drama, I stayed in France for two months. (French food) is very delicious, really good. But having baguette bread every day, it hurt my jaw a little. Chinese food has many variety, I prefer Chinese food. 9. Sweet vs. Spicy food Before, I used to like spicy food but now I like sweet things. Perhaps my blood sugar level is low... I seem to like sweet things these days.