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cr. YFfTW http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_caeff31c0101d173.html

주목! CNBLUE의 정용화가 달콤한 백마탄 왕자님으로!
보스로서의 모습도 주목해주세요

25년 후의 미래에서 온 나미래가 더 나은 인생을 살기 위해 현재의 자신에게 조언하고, 도와준다는 참신한 설정이 눈을 끄는 '미래의 선택'. 그녀의 가장 중요한 미션은, 자신이 결혼해서 고생했던 간판 아나운서 김신이 아닌, 말단 VJ (실제로는 방송국 회장의 손자!)인 박세주와 사랑에 빠지게 하는 것. 미래에게 한눈에 반한 로맨틱하고 신사적인 세주를 연기하는 이는 인기밴드 씨엔블루의 보컬 정용화로, 윤은혜가 연기하는 미래의 백마탄 왕자 역할로 호연했다.

"무엇보다 주제가 굉장히 재미있는 작품이라고 생각했어요. 또, 지금까지는 어린 역할을 연기해왔기 때문에, 그런 이미지에서 탈피하는 의미로서도, 저보다 나이가 많고 어른스러운 세주역이 매력적이라고 느껴졌습니다. 한 명의 여성을 한결같이 일편단심으로 생각하는 부분 이외에도, 보스로서 일할 때 노력하고 현실적인 면을 가진 모습에도 매력을 느끼셨으면 좋겠어요."

주인공인 미래는 원래 운명의 상대 김신과 세주 사이에서 과연 어느 쪽을 사랑하게 될까? "미래의 선택"이 끝날 때까지 신경쓰이는 드라마다.

"두 명 다 다른 장점이 있어서, 그걸 여주인공이 알아가는 부분이 굉장히 재미있을 거예요. 등장인물이 각자 매우 매력적이기 때문에, 즐겁게 봐 주셨으면 좋겠습니다. 저 자신은 현재에 굉장히 만족하고 있어서, 극중 미래처럼 (인생을) 확 바꾸고 싶지는 않아요. 굉장히 운이 좋은 인생을 살아왔다고 생각하고요. 그래서 만일 앞으로 무언가 나쁜 일이 생긴다면, 그걸 바꾸고 싶네요!"

Attention! CNBLUE's JYH as Prince Charming!
Please Also Look Forward to Seju as a Boss

'MHIYD' attracts viewers with its creative setting: Na Mirae from 25 years later comes to advise and manage the life choices of the present self. Her most important mission is to get herself to fall in love, not with the top announcer Kim Shin, who she was married to and suffered, but to Park Seju, the low-level VJ (grandson of the TV network's CEO in reality!). The role of romantic gentleman Seju who falls in love with Mirae at first sight is played by popular band CNBLUE's vocal Jung Yonghwa. He put on an excellent performance as Mirae(played by YEH)'s Prince Charming.

"More than anything, I thought the theme was very interesting. Also, since I've played very young roles so far, Seju was attractive because he is older and more mature. It was a way to shed that image. Besides thinking only about one woman faithfully, I wish you could also find it charming when he's working hard and shows a realistic side as a boss."

Who will the protagonist Mirae come to love between her original fateful partner, Kim Shin, and Seju? It's a drama where "Mirae's Choice" keeps the viewers on their toes until the end.

"Both of them have their own charms, so it's interesting to see how the heroine gets to learn those things. Each character is very attractive, so I wish you would enjoy watching. I'm very satisfied with my present moment, so I don't want to change (my life) entirely like Mirae in the drama. I think I've lived a very fortunate life. So if something bad happens in the future, I'd like to change that!"

  • rockerchic 2014.01.22 06:01

    Wasn't it so convenient for KBS/FNC/Annex to end the series without Mirae choosing between the two men? At least with that ending they can promote (create illusion) the drama overseas using Yonghwa as if he's actually lead. Imagine if Mirae actually chose Kim Shin. It'd be definitely weird to see second lead being the main tool to promote when he didn't even end up with the female protagonist.

    Nevertheless, I wish the drama would do well in Japan for the sake of all the cast especially Yonghwa. 

  • mystarYH 2014.01.22 21:28
    용화다운 인터뷰도 있네요ㅎㅎ
  • soon0322 2014.01.22 21:47
    어디에 실린 인터뷰인가요.가이드북 같은건가요.
  • heich_ 2014.01.23 06:17
    어디인지는 저도 모르겠어요. 한류드라마 잡지 같은게 아닐까^^;
  • soon0322 2014.02.17 17:38

    맨앞이 써있는 月刊Sky perfect TV를 못봤어었어요.  검색해보니 위성방송이고 이곳에서 하는 프로그램들에 대한 가이드북 같은건가봐요.

  • heich_ 2014.02.17 18:17

    아 그렇군요^^ 잡지 명은 저도 최근에 보고 추가했어요^^ 

  • jinimang 2014.01.26 20:20
    세주네요 ㅎ 오랜만이네..!!
  • zarabella93 2014.02.11 03:05
    They are using him as a promotional tools but then he didn't get any benefits from it
  • Pearl 2014.02.12 09:17
    Even though I felt frustrated while watching this drama, in the end it is still a drama that is quite interesting, and I am glade that YH took up the role as it was a departure from his previous roles, and even if the ratings in Korea were disappointing, I think he gained quite a few new fans as an actor, which to me is more important.
  • Lois 2014.03.10 20:39
    I for example is one such person who fell in love with Seju as boss charater. He definitely will broaden his fan base with this Japanese rebroadcast.
  • 블루윈드☆ 2014.04.01 23:55
    종이가 너무 얇아서 슬프네요ㅠ 오랜만에 세주찡 잘 보고 갑니다~

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