
【E】2014.07.21 Taiwan Yes Entertainment Report 鄭容和美男拍寫真 全副武裝舞劍電暈粉絲 Beautiful Guy Jung Yong Hwa's Pictorial and Fully Armored Swordplay Electrifies Fans

by klaritia posted Jul 22, 2014


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鄭容和美男拍寫真 全副武裝舞劍電暈粉絲

Yes娛樂 7月21日 台北報導   以原來是美男中深情守護女主角的姜新禹一角,走紅全亞洲的鄭容和, 一出道就演歌雙棲的他,所屬樂團CNBLUE也有著很高的知名度,在綜藝方面 他和少女時代團員徐賢搭檔演出我們結婚了,搞笑中帶著稚氣的特質,使他更有個人魅力.一直以來因為虎牙和個性有著稚氣形象的他 在八月將播出的歷史劇,三劍客中飾演沒落貴族出身的武士,為了配合武士的形象,日前與劇中演員一起為時尚雜誌拍的一系列寫真中,可以看出他變結實成熟了,可愛的形象一掃而空.寫真以三劍客為主題 鄭容和穿著黑色西裝和盔甲 配上劍和頭盔,在現代氛圍中展現中世紀騎士的風格,電視劇預告中他帥氣舞劍說 現在…朴達香的時代即將來臨,帥氣的樣子電暈粉絲.


Beautiful Guy Jung Yong Hwa's Pictorial and Fully Armored Swordplay Electrifies Fans

Jung Yong Hwa shot to fame all over Asia with the role Kang Shinwoo who wholeheartedly waited for and protected the leading lady in “You’re Beautiful”. He’s been living a double life as actor and singer since debut. CNBLUE, the band he belongs to, is also very popular. For variety shows, he was in “We Got Married” collaborating with SNSD’s Seohyun. His youthful cuteness and always being funny stood out as his personal charm. The star with the signature snaggle tooth and youthful cuteness will transform in the period drama to be premiered in August. He plays a warrior born in a poor noble family. To suit the warrior image, he had a photoshoot for a fashion magazine with co-stars of the drama. As shown in the released photos, he has become mature and toned, the cute image all gone. The photo set has the theme based on “The Three Musketeers”. Jung Yong Hwa wore a black suit with an armour, holding a sword and a helmet. It is an image of a knight of the Middle Ages (of the West) with a modern vibe. In the teaser of the drama, he handsomely maneuvers the sword and says, “The era of Park Dalhyang is coming”, electrifying fans with that gorgeous overall look.


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