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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부


여러분~ 오랜만이네요^^ 얼마전에 농구를 하고 왔습니다. 하하형에게 스카웃 되었습니다! 이제야 사진을 보여드리네요! 조심해서 하는거니까 걱정하지 마세요^^ 오늘도 좋은하루! 빗길 조심하세요!!!ㅎ

Trans) Everyone~ It's been a long time^^ A while ago, I went to play basketball. I was scouted by Haha hyung! Finally I'm showing you the photo. I'm being careful, so please don't worry ^^ Have a good day today! Please watch out for the wet road from rain!!! heh 

  • heich_ 2014.03.20 18:32

    이 팀인가 봐염...
    '개돼지파' 아하하^^;;;.....
    즐겁게 땀 흠뻑 흘리고 오길~

    그나저나 근황 전하는 와중 조심해서 하고 있으니 걱정 말라는 말. 왜 이리 이쁜가여ㅠ.ㅠ
  • heich_ 2014.03.20 18:37

    좀더 최근 기사입니다. ㅋㅋㅋ 


    연예인 농구단 치카노즈는 평소 농구를 좋아하고 동호회 활동을 통해 팬과 조금 더 다가가고 때론 사회에 기여할 수 있는 방법을 모색하고자 모인 순수 연예인 농구팀이다. 

    한편 치카노즈는 박준규, 황정민, 브라이언, 정형돈, 케이윌, 길(리쌍), 오만석, 손호영, 김제동 등 총 33명의 연예인으로 구성됐다

  • klaritia 2014.03.20 18:37
    Glad to know he got to play his favorite sport.
    "please don't worry" .... so so sweet of him. makes me think he cares about us much more than necessary.
  • Mel 2014.03.20 19:10
    So happy to see him relax for a bit & spend time with friends..Such a sweet guy also telling us not to worry & for people in Korea to stay safe coz it's raining there right now..
  • sakuratint 2014.03.20 19:10
    Glad to know he's having fun despite his busy schedules^^ Looks like yonghwa care about us fans as much as we care about him :)
  • s.jefferson 2014.03.20 19:32
    Really can't hold back my praise on him.. So caring, so warm!
  • Mars 2014.03.20 19:45
    Oh, so nice that he had some free time to go play basketball. =)
  • heich_ 2014.03.20 20:18 Files첨부 (1)

    아놬ㅋㅋㅋ.......... 훈내터져요~

    정작 용화 본인은 윤대협이라고 했던거 같은?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


    Haha replied: Ace...Jung Taewoong..

    Jung Taewoong= Jung Yonghwa+ Seo Taewoong (Rukawa Kaede in the basketball manga Slam Dunk: http://slamdunk.wikia.com/wiki/Kaede_Rukawa . A handsome and talented player XD )

  • anne 2014.03.20 20:23
    Thank you. Kekeke So Yong is also an Ace in basketball. :) Truly glad HaHa invited him to play & he got to unwind in the midst of their busy promotions of his new album. :) Thanks again.
  • lotus 2014.03.20 20:21
    정태웅 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 가자마자 에이스네요 ㅋㅋ
    형님들 울 정태웅 많이 이뻐해주세요 ^^
  • silvergate08 2014.03.20 20:23
    he wanted to be sendoh. but rukawa is good too :) its great to see him relax like this. fans maybe worried that he might injured his fingers and avoid him in playing guitar. love it that he says not be be worried
  • hajimari 2014.03.20 20:25
    OH!!!! It's all clear now!!! Thanks for the translation. I'm gald to know that he had fun with other artists friedns.
  • ila 2014.03.20 20:34
    happy to see him get to play his favourite sports despite his busy schedule..whatever he do,he always be the ace^^
  • 스더 2014.03.20 21:32
    정태웅...역시 정용화다 ㅎㅎ
  • Pearl 2014.03.20 21:37
    Happy to see him engaging in some healthy sports. I would love to watch him play basketball especially since he used to be a school player and must have been good. Thank you Haha for scouting our Yong Hwa.
  • littlelynn 2014.03.20 21:53
    His tweets are always so cute and sweet. =)
  • musica 2014.03.20 22:49
    Happy to know he could carve out time to play his favorite sports end socialize. This reminds me of the cup holder drawing he did. He drew three of his favorite things on it. Guitar, snowboard, and basketballs ^^.

  • favoriteblue28 2014.03.21 00:59
    Hahaha, YongHwa know how we feel. By looking at the photo, feel like what if he being push and fell and get hurt. He look so fragil among them. =) but, don't get me wrong. I know uri YongHwa is A tough guy inside out.
  • 짱엄프 2014.03.21 01:27
    용화가 즐거워 보여 흐뭇하네요...어찌 저리 말도 이쁘게 하는지...힐링 정용화ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
  • heich_ 2014.03.21 04:35 Files첨부 (1)


    Trans) Oh, Captain!!!! Fighting! @JYHeffect Yonghwa gun*~ This is Hyungchul- hyung~ (-yong suffix) ~ TEAM ROK fighting~~^^

    *Gun here is another address marker like -ssi, but used to refer to younger men/boys :) 

  1. 【E】특공! 특공병 정용화 입니다. This is Jung Yonghwa, serving in the Special Forces.

    Trans) *Please only read it at justJYH, do not repost* Teukgong! (*Special forces salute) Dear everyone, hello! This is Jung Yonghwa, serving in the Special Forces. Since my enlistment on 3/5, you could say it's been quite a while, or short...
    Date2018.08.22 CategoryFrom용화 Views1392 Votes34
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  2. 여러분~ 사랑합니다!!!!♥ Everyone~ I love you!!!! ♥

    (from YH's friend Dongyung'ss IG) Everyone~ How are you all doing? I'm healthy and doing well~~! Please always stay healthy and happy! I'm reading all of your messages you send me through social media~~! I love you!!!! ♥ DY's friend: what i...
    Date2018.05.27 CategoryFrom용화 Views1113 Votes27
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  3. [트윗 Tweet] 조만간 우리 빨리 봅시다!!

    https://twitter.com/JYHeffect/status/1079312434454654976 Trans) Dear everyone! The year 2018's coming to an end. In 2019, always be healthy!!! and always be happy!!! See you sometime soon!!
    Date2018.12.30 CategoryFrom용화 Views1260 Votes19
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  4. [인스타 IG] I'm fine, and you??

    I'm fine, and you?? A photo posted by 정용화 (@jyheffect0622) on Aug 1, 2016 at 6:22am PDT + Weibo ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
    Date2016.08.01 CategoryFrom용화 Views1509 Votes18
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  5. Letter 2019.06.22 1년 후의 나에게 ~ 느리게 가는 편지 ~

    To. Yonghwa Hello, Yonghwa! You'll be enlisting very soon. By the time you're reading this letter, you must have become an even better Jung Yonghwa. Congratulations on becoming 31 years old! I know you're someone who likes getting old and f...
    Date2019.06.22 CategoryFrom용화 Views1645 Votes16
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  6. No Image

    [트윗 Tweet] ❤️

    https://twitter.com/jyheffect/status/1010074690390331392?s=21 ㅠㅠ 역시 최고!!!!!!
    Date2018.06.22 CategoryFrom용화 Views796 Votes14
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  7. [트윗 Tweet] 2013.1.2 - 1월 14일 발매되는 CNBLUE의 타이틀곡은 저의 자작곡입니다!

    여러분 안녕하세요! 용화에요ㅋㅋ 여러분 날씨가 엄청 춥네요ㅠ 1월 14일 발매되는 CNBLUE의 타이틀곡은 저의 자작곡입니다! ㅋㅋ 여러분 오래 기다리신만큼 멋지게 활동하겠습니다. 기대 많이 해주세요. 곧 함께해요!
    Date2013.01.02 CategoryFrom용화 Views20778 Votes13
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  8. 【E】용화 트윗+싱글즈 화보 추가 컷 Yonghwa's Tweet+Extra shot from Singles

    여러분 용화예요~ㅋㅋ 이번 싱글즈 화보는 다들 보셨나요? 이번 화보 사진 한 장 공개합니다!!!! 제가 가장 좋아하는 컷이라, 이걸 꼭 보여드리고 싶었습니다 오랜만의 단독화보여서 굉장히 재밌었습니다!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ps 여러분 날씨가 많이 추워졌습니다 모두 ...
    Date2012.11.26 CategoryFrom용화 Views10374 Votes12
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    [인별 IG] 전역인사 Discharge Message

    Instagram에서 이 게시물 보기 추운 날씨에도 찾아오셔서 응원해주신 모든 분들께 감사하다는 말씀 전하고 싶습니다. 다시 본연의 자리로 돌아가서 최선을 다하겠습니다. 오랜시간 기다려 주신 분들에게 좋은 모습으로 찾아 뵙겠습니다. 다시 한번 감사드립니...
    Date2019.11.03 CategoryFrom용화 Views695 Votes10
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  10. [트윗 Tweet] 얼마전에 농구를 하고 왔습니다. I went to play basketball.

    ‏@JYHeffect 여러분~ 오랜만이네요^^ 얼마전에 농구를 하고 왔습니다. 하하형에게 스카웃 되었습니다! 이제야 사진을 보여드리네요! 조심해서 하는거니까 걱정하지 마세요^^ 오늘도 좋은하루! 빗길 조심하세요!!!ㅎ Trans) Everyone~ It's been a long time^^...
    Date2014.03.20 CategoryFrom용화 Views8044 Votes10
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  11. [웨이보 Weibo] 진심으로 감사드려요, 여러분! I'm truly grateful to you, everyone!

    역) 5월 20일이 중국에서 고백데이라고 들었어요. 오늘을 빌어 언제나 저에게 성원을 보내주시는 팬여러분들께 진심으로 감사드리고 싶어요! 웨이보 연속 26주 1위를 차지한 건 전부 여러분 덕분이란 거, 전 다 알고 있어요!!! 진심으로 감사드려요, 여러분! ...
    Date2015.05.20 CategoryFrom용화 Views2458 Votes10
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  12. [Tweet]용화 트윗

    여러분 안녕하세요 용화예요!ㅋㅋ 여러분들을 위해 저희가 준비해 봤어요. 어때요? 데헷;..;. 화이트데이 좋은 추억 만드시고, 즐거운 하루 되시길! CNBLUE 월드투어도 많이 응원해 주세요! 감사합니다!
    Date2013.03.13 CategoryFrom용화 Views20104 Votes9
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  13. No Image

    [트윗 Tweet] 여러분 정말 감사합니다! Everyone, thank you so much!

    https://twitter.com/JYHeffect/status/1142358059257192448 Everyone, thank you so much! It's very hot these days, make sure to take good care of your health and I wish your days are only filled with happiness! Please wait just a little more! C...
    Date2019.06.22 CategoryFrom용화 Views930 Votes9
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  14. CNBLUE 11주년 편지 11th Anniversary Letter

    https://twitter.com/CN_FANCLUB/status/1349570447566782469 To BOICE Hello~ everyone~!♥ This is Yonghwa! I can't believe it's the 11th anniversary already... How can each year pass by so quickly... Take a sip of water before you...
    Date2021.01.14 CategoryFrom용화 Views777 Votes9
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  15. [웨이보 Weibo] 칠석기념 웨이보 Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

    역) #칠석# 연인들의 날이네요!!!!! 우리 오늘 또 뭐 하면 좋을까요? ♥♥ #우리가함께하는칠석# Trans) #Qixi# Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!!!!! What shall we do again today? ♥♥ #TogetherOnQixi# *tip from @strawberriesblues: last year he said "wha...
    Date2016.08.09 CategoryFrom용화 Views1366 Votes8
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  16. [웨이보 Weibo] 용화예요~ 상해 잘 도착했습니다. This is Yonghwa~ I've safely arrived in Shanghai.

    중국 boice 여러분 오랜만입니다^^ 용화예요~ 상해 잘 도착했습니다. 저를 맞이 하기 위해서 많은 분들이 기다려주시고 사랑 보내 주셔서 감사합니다. 비가 오니 조심해서 귀가 하시길! 내일 봐요 ^^ Thank you very much! 谢谢!!!!!! 【翻译】中国的Boice,...
    Date2014.05.14 CategoryFrom용화 Views3710 Votes8
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  17. [웨이보 Weibo] 중국팬 여러분! 정말 잊지못할 팬미팅이었습니다. Dear Chinese fans! It was truly an unforgettable fanmeet.

    중국팬 여러분! 정말 잊지못할 팬미팅이었습니다. 감사합니다. 슈에무라 관계자분들도 정말 감사드립니다~! 그리고 멋진 곰돌이 인형도 감사드려요~~또 다시 이런 좋은 시간 가질수 있었으면 좋겠네요^^ 늘 뜨겁게 반겨주시는 ma fans ! Love u! Trans) Dear ...
    Date2014.05.15 CategoryFrom용화 Views3384 Votes8
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  18. [Tweet] 강원도 고성현에서 온 박달향이라고 하오.

    강원도 고성현에서 온 박달향이라고 하오. @JYHeffect
    Date2014.07.02 CategoryFrom용화 Views3597 Votes8
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  19. No Image

    [트윗 Tweet] 제가 찍은 멋진사진!!! A great photo taken by me!!!

    @JYHeffect 제가 찍은 멋진사진!!! 이정신 보고있나? Trans) A great photo taken by me!!! Lee Jungshin, you see this*? ("You see this?" is a humorous phrase popularized by Jung Hyungdon, meaning "You see this and learn from me" :) )
    Date2014.08.04 CategoryFrom용화 Views3529 Votes8
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  20. 용화의 손편지 Yonghwa's hand-written letter 2015.01.17 Boice Camp

    cr. dasom @topstar19890622 Trans) Hello everyone! This is Yonghwa. I debuted in 2009, and it’s already 2015. It seems like a long time but it passed by so fast. It made it all the more fun and happy that you were with us. I was 21…and now 2...
    Date2015.01.18 CategoryFrom용화 Views1803 Votes8
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