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용화 소개
한국 출신의 4인조 인기밴드 CNBLUE에서 기타와 보컬리스트를 맡고 있다. 배우로서도 드라마 "미남이시네요", "넌 내게 반했어" 등에 출연, 아시아 전역에서 인기를 자랑한다. 4월 24일 (수)에 CNBLUE의 5번째 싱글 '블라인드 러브'를 발매.

흔히 말하는 'K-pop 아이돌'이 아니다. 그는 뮤지션을 목표로, 밴드문화의 저변이 얇은 한국을 벗어나 길거리와 라이브하우스 등지에서 무사수행을 하기 위해 일본에 왔다. 물론 빈곤한 생활도 경험한, 진심어린 밴드맨이다.

"일본에는 저희의 상상을 뛰어넘을 만큼 개성 넘치는 다양한 스타일의 밴드가 많았어요. 컬쳐쇼크였죠. 다른 밴드를 보면서 배운 것이 많습니다. 지금도 그렇구요."

수련 중 출연한 드라마 "미남이시네요"가 대히트, 그 기세를 타고 한국에 돌아가 CNBLUE로서 데뷔. 신주쿠 길거리에서 노래하던 밴드가 데뷔곡 "외톨이야"로 한국 차트 석권. 그 인기는 일본에까지 번져, 일본 메이저 데뷔 직전 요코하마 아레나를 가득 채웠다. 이어서 일본에서 첫 앨범을 발매하고, 오리콘 1위를 획득, 아레나투어를 성공시켰다. 그리고 오는 4월부터 한국밴드로서는 최초로 대규모 월드투어를 시작하게 되었다.

"월드 투어에 대한 부담은 전혀 없어요. 해외에서 다른 문화를 경험할 수 있고, 마치 여행가는 듯한 기분에 두근두근합니다. (웃음) CNBLUE는 밴드이지만, K-pop스럽다고도 할 수 있는 대중적인 멜로디를 갖고 있어서 세계에 통하는게 아닐까요? 물론 다른 K-pop 아티스트들이 훌륭한 활동을 하고 있기 때문이기도 하고, 저희가 K-pop 내에서 밴드라는 개성을 갖고 있기 때문일 거예요. 현재의 K-pop과 한국 드라마의 세계적인 붐이 상승효과를 내면서 저희에게도 큰 힘이 된다고 생각합니다."

한국, 일본 양국에서의 활동에 이어, 앞으로 세계를 목표로 삼는 아시아의 선두주자로서 CNBLUE가 해야 할 일은 무엇일까.

"요즘은 일본 뿐 아니라, 한국을 포함한 전세계 음악의 바리에이션이 더욱 풍부해지고 있어요. 다양한 장르의 음악이 차트에 활력을 불어넣고 있고, 대중들도 그걸 바라고 있구요. CNBLUE도 듣지만 다른 음악도 듣는, 그런 게 좋습니다. 저도 좋아하는 음악만 듣지는 않고, CNBLUE의 곡을 매일 듣는 것도 아니니까요. (웃음) 여러 음악을 접하는게 중요하다고 생각합니다. 제가 밴드를 시작했던 때와 비교하면 한국에서도 밴드문화가 많이 발전했습니다. CNBLUE는 그 트렌드를 이끌어나갈 수 있는 밴드가 되고 싶습니다. 앞으로의 '길'을 제시할 수 있는 밴드요. 한국 뿐만 아니라 일본, 그리고 세계에 진출한다 할지라도 그 마음가짐은 똑같습니다. 해외활동을 통해 CNBLUE를 통해 한국이라는 나라와 한국의 음악을 알리고 있는데요, 일본이나 해외 분들이 저희를 좋아해주시고 환영해주실 때마다 참 신기해요. 데뷔한지 이제 3년인데, 아직도 신기합니다 (웃음). 이렇게 'AJ'에서 제가 일본의 스타인 사토 타케루씨와 함께 표지를 장식하는 것도 신기한 일이구요. 물론 굉장히 영광입니다. 촬영도 인터뷰도 즐거웠고, 또 한번 이런 기회가 있다면 좋겠습니다."

사토 타케루와 용화의 공통점은 배우라는 것. 밴드맨으로 시작한 그이지만, 배우라는 직업에 대해서는 어떤 생각을 갖고 있을까?

"음악과 연기를 할 때의 부담감은 조금 다른 느낌이예요. 제가 느끼는 차이를 팬 분들께서 재밌어해주시는 것 같은데, 저 자신도 굉장히 흥미롭습니다. 배우로서 연기를 함으로써, 무대위에서의 표현력이나 연기력에 확실히 도움이 된다고 느껴요. 음악을 표현하는 것과도 연결되구요. 물론 음악 뿐 아니라, 기회가 된다면 배우로서 해외에 진출해보고 싶다는 생각도 있습니다."

Guitar and Vocals in the popular Korean 4-piece band CNBLUE. As an actor, he boasts his popularity in all parts of Asia after starring in "You Are Beautiful" and "Heartstrings". On April 24, CNBLUE's 5th single "Blind Love" will be released.

Not your typical "K-pop idol". He came to Japan seeking to be a musician, flew here from Korea where the band culture isn't as established. On the streets and in live houses, he trained and experienced hardship. He's a serious band guy.

"In Japan, there were so many unique bands that were beyond our wildest imagination. It was a culture shock. I've learned so much from watching other bands. I still do."

"You Are Beautiful", a drama he was cast in the middle of his training, was a bit hit. Riding that wave, he returned to Korea and debuted as CNBLUE. The band that performed on the streets of Shinjuku swept the Korean charts with "I'm a Loner". Their popularity spread to Japan where they filled up Yokohama Arena right before the major debut. Their first major album ranked top on the Oricon chart, and they also successfully finished an arena tour. Starting this April, they're starting the first massive worldwide tour as a Korean band.

"I have no pressure at all about the World Tour. I'm excited to experience different cultures abroad, it feels like I'm going on a trip. (laughs) CNBLUE is a band, but I think our appeal to the world is that we have popular melodies that are distinctly K-pop. Of course, it's thanks to other K-pop artists' superb performances, and our unique position as a band within K-pop that makes us stand out. I think that the current K-pop and K-drama boom worldwide is helping us greatly in synergistic effect."

As Asia's top runner who aspires to venture abroad following Korea and Japan, what should CNBLUE do next?

"Recently, not only in Japan and Korea but the variations of music are becoming more and more rich worldwide. Diverse genres of music are bringing energy to the charts, and that's what people want, too. They'd listen to CNBLUE but other music as well. That's what I like. It's not like I only listen to what I like, and I don't listen to CNBLUE's music every day. (laughs) I think it's important to get in touch with many different kinds of music. Compared to when I debuted, the band culture in Korea has developed a lot. I want CNBLUE to be a band that leads that trend, a band that can suggest "the way" to progress forward. I have the same mindset on this whether it's in Korea, Japan, or the world. Through our overseas activities, we are promoting Korea and Korean music, and it's very overwhelming every time the Japanese or overseas fans support and welcome us. It's been three years since debut, but it's still really overwhelming. (laughs) Just this fact that I'm on the cover of "AJ" with a Japanese star, Sato Takeru, is also overwhelming. Certainly, it's an incredible honor. The photoshoot and the interview were so much fun, I hope to have more opportunities like this in the future."

A common denominator between Sato Takeru and Yonghwa is that they're both actors. Although he started in a band, what are his thoughts on being an actor?

"The pressures I feel as a musician and as an actor are quite different. It seems like my fans think the the difference I feel are very interesting, and so do I. I feel that performing as an actor definitely improves my expressions and performances on stage. It's also connected to the music I express. I also think about going overseas with acting, not just as a musician."

번역 translation: heich

  • mystarYH 2013.04.24 14:06
    오 자연스런 번역 감사합니다. 사토 타케루씨와 실제 만남이 이뤄진건 아닌가봐요? ^^
  • 용바라기 2013.04.24 19:12
    오랫만에 접할 수 있는 용화군 단독 인터뷰를 번역해 주셔서 감사합니다.
  • 용화떨림 2013.04.24 20:30
    와~~ 번역 정말 감사해요^^ 혼자 할려면 정말 많은 시간과 매끄럽지 못한 문구가 나왔을텐데 정말 갑사합니다^^
  • zisel 2013.04.25 02:57
    Always love to hear his thoughts & like his wholesome view of things. He can see and appreciate the "bigger picture".
    Hmmm ... his parents should publish a book on parenting. I will be the first to buy. Ha!Ha!
  • sue 2013.04.25 09:32
    Thank you for the translations, really appreciate your hard work and time.
  • anne 2013.04.25 10:50
    Thank you so much for the translation. Love having a peek in his thoughts through interviews like these. He's got such big dreams and aspirations I know with his work ethic and passion for his craft he'll achieve all these one by one. ^^
  • h2af 2013.04.25 11:01
    love YH's passionate of his career... he admires me to do well in my life^^
    thanks for translations (",)
  • checkinout 2013.04.25 11:49

    Thanks so much for your translations. You always bring out the nuance in his quotes that others miss, giving us better insight into how he thinks and responds. I love how big his dream is and how he is not afraid to say it: "I want CNBLUE to be a band that leads that trend, a band that can suggest "the way" to progress forward. I have the same mindset on this whether it's in Korea, Japan, or the world." And I love how he has a very realistic sense of what has propelled him to where he is today - it really is the right combination of talent, opportunity and timing.

    I know a lot of people have very different opinions about what's best for Yong Hwa, but seeing how large his dream is, I believe he is on the right track - balancing out his growth as a musician, grabbing opportunities to spread his popularity with hit-drama writers and riding the hallyu wave. Talent, Opportunity and Timing. And he's still young and has the energy for this. I wish him every success.

  • jen 2013.04.25 17:03
    Thanks a lot for this translation..He really is such a compassionate artist...
  • steelyhazel 2013.04.26 00:10
    Thank you for the translations. A very insightful interview. He knows and understands very well where he came from and where he is going. Very rare in someone so young....That's probably why his big dream doesn't sound unrealistic at all and why it is so exciting to follow his progress.

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  19. [25ans ] 2013.09 용화 인터뷰 및 문답 YH Interview and Q&A

    Interview with CNBLUE CNBLUE 멤버의 진심어린 음악 토크 -바쁜 가운데, 4월에 5번째 싱글 Blind Love를 발매하셨는데요. 미디움템포의 러브송은 밴드로서 특이하군요. 용화 이 곡의 메인보컬은 저인데, 키가 높지 않아 아침에 일어나자마자 부를수도 있어요....
    Date2013.07.27 Category인터뷰 Views7452 Votes4
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    '미스터고' 시사회 "김용화 감독님, 용화 왔습니다." "Director Kim Yonghwa, Yonghwa's here."

    At the 'Mr.Go' Premiere cr. SSTVnews Yonghwa: Director Kim Yonghwa, it's me Yonghwa here. I'll enjoy watching the film. I'm very much looking forward to the film, I think I'll be able to enjoy it a lot. 역시 재치 넘치는 용화네요 :)
    Date2013.07.10 Category인터뷰 Views19510 Votes2
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