
[웨이보 Weibo] 花好月圆,十五见面!约吗?

by anonymous posted Feb 06, 2017


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꽃은 활짝 피고 달은 둥그니, 15일에 만나요! 약속?

*'화호월원'은 만사가 행복하고 원만하다는 뜻의 사자성어라고 합니다. 길한 밤을 뜻하며 모임이나 결혼식 등에 주로 쓰인다고.

**음력 1월 15일이 2월 11일이고 중국의 정월대보름인 원소절이라서 (개봉일은 10일이지만) 홍보문구를 그 날에 맞추는 듯 하다고 하네요^^

**앞 부분은 홍보문구고 용화는 '유에마/약속?' 부분을 추가.


Flowers bloom and it's a full moon*, see you on the 15th! Promise?

*A phrase meaning "everything is wonderful and perfect," used to describe the night is good & usually used for reunion/wedding, etc

**Jan 15th in Lunar calendar is Feb. 11th, celebrated as Lantern Festival -- although CUAS opens on 2/10, it's probably easier to phrase for marketing.

***The first sentence is the same phrase announced by CUAS official; YH just added "Promise?" part :D

언제나처럼 오역 지적 환영합니닷^^

As always, please feel free to point out any mistakes!

thanks to tips from @xixi0622, @w2ting, @yongyongjii, @strawberriesblues, and @wandy5622 


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